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i have PS2 but it doesnt work very good cuz its the fat version, so iam tryin to buy a new 1 but i also want to buy the PSP for the chrsitmas, which 1 is better for me plz help, thanx

2006-09-27 15:01:44 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

5 answers

I have the older version of PS2 and I like it a lot. But i just got a PSP tonight and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! You can go on the internet and check your e-mail, you can play games, watch movies, and listen to music. It's really good for subway trips, car trips, plane trips and just for around the house! Get the PSP. (And I don't know why you say your PSP works because it's the fat version...I have the fat version and it works fine...)

2006-09-27 15:06:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you were going to buy a system and didn't have PS2 or PSP the best option will be the PS2, no doubt!
Now, you already have the PS2 and there are not many differences between the thin and the fat version (i don't know why you say that it doesn't work very weel), so the best option for you is the PSP right now or the Nintendo WII on christmas..

2006-09-27 22:14:17 · answer #2 · answered by johannsinuhe 2 · 0 0

Both entirely different mate.. one is a handheld the other a console. id go for the ps2 slimsline its cheaper and online gaming is great with it. Pro Evolution Soccer 5 online is fantastic. Had some classic matches vs people from all over the world on it! For versatility the PsP is good for gaming on the move or watching movies or on the net etc. but is still pricey at the moment. Even Better why not wait till just after xmas and get the Ps3 its going to be the best console ever!!! (fat version doesnt work good?) dont know what you mean by that? Should work fine for all games really. Definetetly get a ps2 slimline if you cant wait for the Ps3. Ps. Dont listen to people who say the PsP is better it ISNT ;) The ps2 is graphically better and faster at running games. and you get to play the games with your duel shock 2 controller and on a big TV ;) good luck with your choice! but you know what needs to be done ;)

2006-09-27 22:10:15 · answer #3 · answered by proevo06 1 · 0 0

Buy whatever you like, but send me your old PS2. Fat or slim I'll take it.

2006-09-27 22:16:02 · answer #4 · answered by Jazz 3 · 0 0

psp is way better it is portable and loads faster than ps2

2006-09-27 22:20:36 · answer #5 · answered by dylan 2 · 0 0

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