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I mean really it seems today everyone has something bad to say about video games. I am 13 years old and I don't think that they would have any negative effects as much as reading a book. Many piecies of literature have violent themes and it seems to me that everyone seems to attack this. I am not really shure on what people always seem to have agains it I mean video games are fun and can teach certain things.

2006-09-27 14:45:25 · 11 answers · asked by dudemanofdoom 2 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

11 answers

I've learnt quite a few things from video games... Its always funny when you know something the other person didn't expect you too. And then when they ask how you did you tell em from a video game. Of course they never believe you... Cause video games are the root of all evil created by satan himself right? Yeah... Sure. I say if someone does something they seen in a violent video game they had something wrong with em in the first place. Most likely a lack of parental guidance as well. Just a way for parents to shrug off responsibility. Blame video games!

2006-09-27 14:48:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No, they are about as bad as looking at a blank wall while doing nothing.
Actually, I take that back. It's very close to doing a math test while sitting, only you actually enjoy it.
And the tests sometimes increase your spelling, sometimes reflexes, sometimes math, problem solving, teamwork (in MP games), and other things.
Your mind improves at rates that depend on the game, but modern day adults don't realize it well. It seems that only physical fitness matters to them, and as long as your report card is good enough, no one cares about the mind, despite the fact that someday your limbs will be cut off and organs cut out and replaced with machines! The artificial brain may take longer so increase you mind equally with Video games, books, and don't forget to get away for awhile and do some schoolwork.

2006-09-27 21:59:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A lot of people worry that the interactive nature of playing a game makes what happens in the game have more of an affect on the player, since he/she controlling the action. Studies have shown that violent games can have some connection to increased agressive behavior among young kids, but no more so than movies/television.

Non-gamers know close to nothing about games. They become aware of the most extreme examples only when they're mentioned on the news. All they know about games is that their kids are spending a lot of time doing something they know nothing about. Since games are not a part of their lives, they are free to dismiss them entirely and learn nothing about them, and a lot of people encourage this.

Games are not bad for you. Inactivity is bad for you. If you keep yourself healthy, keep your gaming time to a reasonable limit, and have a firm grip on reality (all things that parents have a responsiblity to make sure happen with their children), then there's nothing at all bad about them, no matter what anyone else says out of ignorance.

2006-09-27 23:05:51 · answer #3 · answered by night_trekker 4 · 1 0

I think video games are alright in moderation. It's been proven that they can increase hand/eye co-ordination. I think that they do tend to have a negative effect if you play them TOO Much. One of the biggest reasons that there has been such a marked increase in child obesity is because kids are using video games and the internet as a substitute for going outside and playing sports, riding bikes, just generally getting exercise.

2006-09-27 21:56:17 · answer #4 · answered by Gent Of Style 3 · 1 0

They are pretty addictive but I don't think they do any more psychological dammage than any other form of media. I guess they could cause eye strain if you played for countless hours so give it a rest after half a day or so.

Oh, playing too much DDR can be bad for you because you'll get all sweaty and icky and stuff.
Too much Tetris makes it look like your bathroom tiles are moving.

2006-09-28 00:40:14 · answer #5 · answered by Lucky Mesmer 4 · 0 0

I, personally, love video games. I think they have many positive attributes, but they WILL affect your social life. I'm not saying that everyone who plays video games is a social outcast but I know, from personal experience, that they made me a much less socially adept person. Hope that helps. I would recommend limiting how much you play and getting out around people as much as possible or you will pay for it during important social periods of your life.

2006-09-27 22:04:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

theres nothing wrong with games, aslong as your mental capiable of understanding the difference between right and wrong, and between fiction and reality then now theres nothing wrong with them, and if someone cant tell the differences then they shouldnt even be allowed out of the mental home, let alone allowed to play a game

2006-09-27 21:54:10 · answer #7 · answered by kydd 6 · 1 0

video games arent bad try something like tetris or pacman see not bad at all monkey ball donkey kong for petes sake not bad im wondering myself about why they think all games are bad but their not

2006-09-28 00:18:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No theres not, my parents get on me all the time about the game Destroy all Humans

2006-09-27 21:54:28 · answer #9 · answered by newyork_black_rabbit 2 · 1 0

too much can be bad

2006-09-27 22:00:20 · answer #10 · answered by yellowskinnedguy 3 · 0 0

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