mentally the women she is capable of cracking very easliy
physcially the man where white collar or blue collar he is tired and can quite whenever
2006-09-27 14:14:42
answer #1
answered by hunnie l 2
I've been both. And the one who works full time does have it harder. Not only does the f/t job have to do that job, but come home and then do a whole another life.
I've been off of work for my twins' pregnancy for the past few months. Granted, this is what's called bedrest. For the first half of the day, I will do laundry. This entails throwing the laundry into the washer, then taking a nap. Later, throwing it into the dryer, and taking a few minutes to fold it. When my 4K son gets home, I give him lunch (10-20 minutes). He then takes a nap. And I take another one. Then, before the older children get home - I clean house really quick. Pick up, vaccuum, sweep. Whole house clean, in very little time. Usually under 30 minutes including dishes & 6 bedrooms. Then I either throw a roast or casserole into the oven. Hence, it is cooking and I'm not in the kitchen at all. Sometimes I'll grill if it's a nice day. Seriously, again - 20/30 minutes total time for dinner.
I've always worked full time, and then came home to be a mom. Granted, there's doctor appointments or school functions to go to, but - even with 5 kids, they're not every day. And I still am in the habit of scheduling as many appointments as I can at once, so they take up a day instead of all week. And they can keep me busy on some days. These past few months...I've been nothing but bored. And sleepy. Life really is a lot slower at home.
2006-09-27 14:27:20
answer #2
answered by ? 5
I'm sure it is just because he is not use to it. My husband actually stays at home with 3 kids (1 while the other two are in school) and he cooks, cleans, does laundry, etc. My husband also doesn't work outside of the home either though, maybe that is why it is harder for your husband, he was tired from work and overwhelmed because he isn't use to taking care of the kids that often.
2016-03-18 02:07:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The Woman that stays with the children. They do work worth over 100,000 a year. Brake down how much would be payed-out for everything a Mom does. Cook,Clean,Teach children(24/7),Nanny, do shopping,bookkeeping(so time the Husband will do this,but rare), wash clothes, play nurse to the sick,and be a lover. That's just some of the stuff that stay at home Mom's do without getting a penny!
2006-09-27 14:21:11
answer #4
answered by whataboutme 5
That would be an easy question to answer from a woman's point of view. But the reality is this:- It depends on the home that you've made and the type of job that the husband is in.
If you have a functional home you have the luxury of being home in the days to do what you want when you want; plus you have the joy of taking a break to bond with your kids 24/7. The husband probaly has a high stressed job or an easy job... but as i said, it depends on the situation.
2006-09-27 14:30:52
answer #5
answered by Antoinette D 1
you can swing with the concensious and say the stay at home mom
But to be honest I'd say the husband in this case
... He has a lot ryding on his work. If he messes up there are a lot of bad reprocotions. .... loose of job, money issues .. marrage issues, child issues.... family issues in general...self worth, wifes self worth.
I've worked in preschool, you love the kids even though it can be hard work, it's still not as much pressure as getting that deal or making deadline with a lot of someone elses $$$ on the line.
if you love your work.. kids.. that can help carry some weight..
The hudsband is working with the weight of supporting his family.
That is more demanding.. more stress
a reason why men used to live as long as women but now die earlier on's stress
2006-09-27 14:19:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i think they are both difficult jobs in different ways, but if i had to pick, i'd say a stay-at-home-mom. a stay at home mom is hard because they can't just take a day off or leave their work at "the office" because it is a full-time job (24 hours a day). i have a lot of respect for the women who are able to fulfill this position. they make a big difference in their children's lives.
2006-09-27 14:15:24
answer #7
answered by truth seeker 5
I'd say the job of a mother. However, keeping the upside of the financial situation, when you have a family, is crucial.
I look at things a little differently. In the end, it's money on one hand, and kids on the other. Making money is easy with the right tools, but parenting is difficult, even with the right tools. Raising kids, with the morals and beliefs that you wish to implement, into their adulthood, can be extremely difficult. Along with that, you have the sole responsibility of two little lives, in the palm of your hands.
All in all, they are two very important jobs that determine the future for two (or whatever the case may be) little kids.
2006-09-27 14:39:34
answer #8
answered by Medicated Harmony 4
That is a good question. I'd say the mom, but is the dad's job physically demanding? Or if its high stress that puts alot of strain on a person. But either way I'd say the mom. My mom was a single parent and she had to work her *** off. I give her and all Women alot of credit.
2006-09-27 14:15:57
answer #9
answered by Popcorn Playa 3
stay at home never really get a day off, or night. Job is always changing. you are working with a crowd that is unreasonable and wishy washy. you can't go to the bathroom without pounding on the door from your charges. benefits: you can drink on the job and stay in your jammies all day!
2006-09-27 14:16:05
answer #10
answered by kellettgal 3
He says my job is harder, but I don't want his job. There is no answer. The hardest part is remaining married, having sex, and staying awake.
2006-09-27 14:20:03
answer #11
answered by steelypen 5