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17 answers

1) By reinforcing the importance of the role of fathers who are involved in the raising of their children

2) By reinforcing the need for marriage before pregnancy

3) By promoting self-dependency rather than dependency on the "state"

4) By continuing to build and emphasize the importance of churches and relationships to God and caring for others

2006-09-27 13:55:30 · answer #1 · answered by LL 4 · 1 2

Why does it have to be an African American community? Why can't it just be an American community with a mixture of all races? We did away with the "separate but equal" law a long time ago.

2006-09-27 13:54:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Why the emphasis on African American?

We all need to be aware that to build strong communities we need to begin by not characterising anybody. Sure, if you meet someone, and after getting to know them, decide they're a jerk you don't need to socialize. But be aware that although you won't go out of your way to meet and greet them, you should always practice and teach tolerance. No matter how much you hate someone, ALWAYS BE CIVIL!!!!!!

Also, in today's world of international travel and relaible communications, everybody needs to stop limitng themselves to "African American", "American", "Black" or "White" communities, and start building "Human" communities.

2006-09-27 14:00:27 · answer #3 · answered by kajd27 1 · 2 0

I say we mix. Let's build strong communities of human beings in general. Say you're proud to be African American, but you're also proud to be holding hands with everyone in the world.

2006-09-27 13:56:37 · answer #4 · answered by bunny_rocks92 2 · 1 0

Build a strong foundation based on African culture and language for from this comes the worldview that helped the ancestors of African Americans survive and thrive for generations.

2006-09-27 13:55:31 · answer #5 · answered by keith 2 · 0 2

i just wonder why everyone has to be african-american, mexican-american etc. stop trying to seperate yourselves from everyone.

the thug life thing has got to go...glorifying rappers who call women bitches and ho's, pimping, selling drugs etc in songs...everything has to be about money and butts in rap songs/videos...there is more to life than that.

a stronger sense of family would help. be responsible for the children that you make. don't live off of the welfare system. if you can't take care of the children you already have, don't have anymore. and no, it isn't all black/african americans, there are white people in that situation also.

when something bad happens, don't start looting your own community. that would be a perfect time to come together, not destroy your own community.

if something happens to a friend, family member, be there for them. don't walk away or sue them. i see way to many relatives suing each other for the most ridiculous things.

2006-09-27 14:14:20 · answer #6 · answered by cheshiregirl0472 2 · 0 1

Where do you live that there aren't strong African American communities?

Don't buy into what the media is telling you......go out and really look....you will be surprised.

2006-09-27 13:58:00 · answer #7 · answered by daljack -a girl 7 · 0 1

By building strong "American" communities and forgetting the racial lines that are used to keep the common sufferers bickering, and pointing fingers amongst themselves.

2006-09-27 13:55:22 · answer #8 · answered by Doc J 1 · 1 0

there is a book about this lynchly fellow who taught slave owners how to turn the negroes against each other in a lot of ways, which kept them obediant and puting down and fighting with each other. NOT there owners. they were trained to be that way and if every little black boy and girl could read that book it might make them, realize what a few white men did to them and possibly change. read this from a question someone put up here, and was a link to another site, and do no t know all the details but i was impressed, and if black people would somehow find out that white people do not talk are even think about them. then that would be good, also. were i come from I never heard any talk about blacks, one time my father said something about blacks. he said allways be for the blacks geting ahead, because it will bring up the level of all of us. when they do the white people have helped black people in alot of ways, and all whites should not be blamned for a few that did hurt them because of there greed to make money, the north africans went ou in there ships. in the early seventeen hundreds and STOLE over a MILLION white people and sold them into slavery,till the u.s. marines finnaly stoped them am i suposed to hate the north africans because they did that, that is just history., i did as soon as i read it,got over it. no hate of africans. it was just some thing i read,, all that is in the past, BUT they did this and that to my great great great grandfather so what?a black man robed me and kicked my ribs till they broke and punctured my lung and allmost died, am i supposed to hate YOU? is that YOUR fawt, NO, it is not, get over it, most whites do not care. we are not responsible. my people are from the south, and i not one time in my life, grandparents aunts uncles, couisins, friends people at work i never hear negroes this are negroes that, we just do not talk about you., get on with your life please. god is with you if you will ask the spirit of god intot your heart. get people on the street that will actually talk with the street boys. that cause the trouble. give them inspirational little booklets telling them about someone who made it off the streets. pray with them invite them to church show them someone cares, buy that book i was talking about if you can find it and make copys of some passages and give it to them so they will see how some white men trained them to be that way, talk with the police and neighbors and turn in people who sell drugs and do crime. keep your neighborhoods clean, houses painted, yards kept up.I read that by the time alittle black boy is born untill the time he gets old, he has a FIFTY % chance of being murdered by another black man. tell them what they are doing to themselfs. over a hundred twenty black men have been murdered in jacksonville so far this year, it is such a shame.

2006-09-27 14:21:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why don't you go to Africa and find out.

The Bible says "A house divided against itself will not stand"

If people keep separating themselves from everyone else ("so and so-American" instead of just "American"), this country is bound for failure.

2006-09-27 13:58:49 · answer #10 · answered by samson316 3 · 1 0

First of all we need to realize that our destiny is up to us. By accepting the consequinces of our own actions are we able to teach our little ones to succeed. Respect is paramount men need to respect their women and vice versa. Women need to allow their man to lead the family. When we take that responsibility away we disrespect them and our children disrespect them as well. We need to stand up and fight for our families and quit running away when things get hard. Love eachother, spend time with eachother. Life is hard enough to get through our children shouldn't have to do it without us because we are so self absorbed that our needs always come first. And again we need to get up off our butts, stop the blame game and do whats right. When you truly respect yourself others will respect you as well.

2006-09-27 14:20:24 · answer #11 · answered by Gracie 1 · 0 0

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