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when i was still a babe my mom accidentally dropped me on my jaw. She went to see the doctor but that dumbass said i was fine and it would heal soon. but then somehow as i grow up and developed, my jaw gets more and more crooked and now, at the age of 19, i have a somewhat ...slanted chin. not to blame anyone. i know this is just an accident...the other thing is i am short, compare to my older brother, who is somehow almost 2 inches taller than me? i thought we came from the same parents?!! In addition to that i am now balding...at 19!!!? and again my lucky brother is not..at all! Though i have a good heart that makes up what's bad on the outside, no girl seems to notice that...i got use to how some people look at me funny because of my chin...but i just can stand when even those, whom i thought were good friends, talks about it behind my back...
i haven't smile for a long time

2006-09-27 13:05:46 · 8 answers · asked by driedupfish 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

8 answers

try an extreme makeover and identity theft.

2006-09-27 13:09:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sorry Dude. Looks like your brother has the winning personality as well. Live a selfless life devoted to helping the less fortunate and build up that karmic savings account for the next spin around the Wheel of Life.

2006-09-27 20:12:49 · answer #2 · answered by Pundit Bandit 5 · 0 0

Lots of people have physical imperfections. Some are dragged down by them and others make a career of them. Gnarly actors or singers with big noses come to mind quickly.
I have several beat up friends that view their flaws with humor and some just ignore them. I bet you are not that bad looking and a discussion with a cognitive behavior therapist might give you some new perspectives. They can also teach you to smile, that's a skill that comes easier with practice.
There are a lot of people that will overlook physical flaws if you make a consistent effort to make them feel comfortable and have consideration for their interests.

2006-09-27 20:16:08 · answer #3 · answered by valcus43 6 · 0 0

So get a job. save money and get plastic corrective surgury. Hey, life lasts 80 years, you have suffered bad breaks, now seek your own path with help from people who can help if you will pay the dues. The only free things we get in life is advice, take the positifve, its worth a lot more than the negative.

2006-09-27 20:13:21 · answer #4 · answered by Marcus R. 6 · 0 0

Well first you need to get positive as you asked alreadyy,thing is you need to put more of yourself out there as the fact i am 21 and have been having that balding since i was 17 but still surviving and still have a lot of my hair on my head still which is like a thing in our head that we losing it and make's it even worse..put your negative energy in positive is something you have to do with getting your smile back as even a smile can be a charity and a way to help others ,how i helped myself over the years with all the **** around me not only physical issues but some other domestic issue was getting the positive things out of even from the very negative image infront of me. How ?well i started helping others who could'nt help themselves as i figured with my so many years PASSED by all i could do is brag be negative n all angry on the world and infact rather of seeing what i can do for others i was all messed up in my lil situation,so i helped them know there potentials which they cannot see themseelves and others let them down just by laughing or saying things behind there back,by helping them i overcome my problems and getting to know how bless and better you feel when you having problems with yourslef still helping those who need help as even being going with all this **** we do have a strong inside of ourself the protective figure inside which protect all of them from what fears they are going through there lives..try that once you will know what i am talking about plus do not think that this will get you overcome all what you have in your mind now but it will help you go through and feel proud of yourself in a way you are destined to be at,who dont want girls ,kool freinds and all that kool things in there life as they seem but the most rewarding things for you to realize you are not the only one going through this and are those all kool things i mentioned above are really what you want out of your life and teh way you want to live as you mentioned you have a good heart and cover's all the bad side man that is so true but let me tell you that what you say is a bad side of you well help you know the real you!..best of luck i know am not that good in english but i might be of a lil help to you..best of luck

2006-09-27 20:26:16 · answer #5 · answered by Faizan 2 · 0 0

Just focus on the positive things about yourself and I sure there are alot of things about you that your brothers do not have. Remember no one is perfect and I bet you your brothers wish they were you at times. Don't waste time look down on yourself because that would not lead you anywhere. okay

2006-09-27 20:15:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Pay them no mind! Some people prefer intelligence, and friendliness than cuteness. Attitude (good one), manners and intelligence opens a lot of doors.

2006-09-27 20:15:45 · answer #7 · answered by Wanda B 1 · 0 0


<3 You're in my prayers

2006-09-27 20:15:38 · answer #8 · answered by soccerplayer18 1 · 0 0

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