when i was still a babe my mom accidentally dropped me on my jaw. She went to see the doctor but that dumbass said i was fine and it would heal soon. but then somehow as i grow up and developed, my jaw gets more and more crooked and now, at the age of 19, i have a somewhat ...slanted chin. not to blame anyone. i know this is just an accident...the other thing is i am short, compare to my older brother, who is somehow almost 2 inches taller than me? i thought we came from the same parents?!! In addition to that i am now balding...at 19!!!? and again my lucky brother is not..at all! Though i have a good heart that makes up what's bad on the outside, no girl seems to notice that...i got use to how some people look at me funny because of my chin...but i just can stand when even those, whom i thought were good friends, talks about it behind my back...
i haven't smile for a long time
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