i guess that means that she's not doing a very good job of flirting with him,.
2006-09-27 12:23:59
answer #1
answered by Roger 4
Guys are all about doing it and flirting is all about mind games.
If a guy wants to play a game, he'll sit down at his computer.
If you flirt, he's anticipating it's all about pulling out his joystick.
The only thing I can grasp is that girls are out looking to see who'll obey them and who won't.
What is it with girls. What's with the come on and then nothing. Do girls just like to get their jolly's off of getting the joystick out and ready but not pushing the FIRE button!
What kind of a game is that. We set up the chess board but you decline to make a move.
If that's the case we are clueless and you need to enlighten us.
We were put here to propagate. Sure, we know you were put here to say no or not so fast. But play games that don't even get started. What's with that.
If you're going to play a game, let's establish the rules and play. You move I move.
Not setting up the board and you just walking off.
That's taking your basketball and going home for a reason.
What's the reason and why did you INTIMATE we go one to one.
More importantly why does that ONE GUY make you stop the games and resign and give it all up.
And WHY do you complain when he deserts you with a fat belly.
Maybe you need to reconsider the whole game strategy.
You find a guy willing to obey you, maybe it's better to stick with that than than to throw out the rule book for the guy who excites you and is never teased into playing the game because he's...
Same guy.
He just wants to do you.
But his make-up made you give it all up with no fight.
Then you cry over split milk.
2006-09-27 12:28:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
yea we are totally clueless. half of a marriages end up on the rock pile. I look at you and you have no idea what's on my mind and then i start to led the conversation to get what i want. know there aren't allot of confusing thing happening there. but when you do it you aren't doing it you just think you are and leave all kinds of disinformation to trip over if the idea doesn't match your expectation, rocket science to the pizza guy, no-altra-subliminal stuff
2006-09-27 12:32:57
answer #3
answered by bev 5
Well, sometimes the guy isn't interested, or the guy hasn't been around enough to notice your subtle yet clever pick up lines.
Try, "So and so, Did the cow REALLY jump over the moon?" then bat your eyelids the way girls do.
2006-09-27 12:24:41
answer #4
answered by stick man 6
Try being a little more "staight forward" next time. Most men aren't as able to pick up on subtle hints while others read into them abit too much.
2006-09-27 12:28:48
answer #5
answered by slm1981us 1
We have a very low threshold for hints and insinuation. If you want him bad enough hit him in the head to get his attention. That always worked for me. I never knew a thing. We are not as smart as we are given credit for.
2006-09-27 12:24:45
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well I think that they have no clue b/c in life they don't have any clue. j/k .. Really I think that they have no clue due to parenting and shyness. Maybe they are shy and they don't know how to express it b/c they use to do that when they were little to their mom. So guys needs to just learn how to mature faster.
2006-09-27 12:25:34
answer #7
answered by mvang_7 2
(Some) They try to act clueless so you can be even more aggressive, you think they don't like the attention ?
2006-09-27 12:24:02
answer #8
answered by La Princesa 6
They only pay attention to about 10% of what we do so for them to not notice flirting is normal. Wait until your married and they don't even hear you!
2006-09-27 12:24:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
cos men are from mars and women are from venus of course!
2006-09-27 12:23:43
answer #10
answered by Susie2 4