its too late now he kows that you like him ask him out
2006-09-27 11:02:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well I have a few suggestions.
1. If he know u like him and he won't make a move that MAYBE means that he's not intrested.
2. Since he knows ur secret what have u got to loose? Make a move and see what happens, u never know what answer u will get.
3. Ofcoarse, if he's not intrested in u then i would feel very awkward seeing him everyday at school or something, it would feel weird.
Plus, some one told me that some guy likes me and I don't like him back and I don't really care that he likes me.
4. You could try to ask ur friends or his buddies to ask him for you if he likes you back.
5. If your shy and don't wanna talk to him you could slip a note into his locker or something.
6. or LASTLY if u don't want him to know that u like him then just tell him that it's just a dirty rumor that's not true.
Hope this helps.
good luck!
2006-09-27 18:28:35
answer #2
answered by CherryCherry 5
I would say...its just now how the others feel about u and the other guy. Its about how you feel about that guy and how he feels about u. If you both feel that there is a similar wave length between you two..then you can go ahead. This is applicable if you are lookng for a long term relationship. If its just a short while one.... Flirt.. He's hot today... may be he will be frozen tomorrow... what do u do then?
2006-09-28 00:16:56
answer #3
answered by Dream L 4
First off don't tell anyone anything if you think its going to get back to the other person!!!!! Next if the guy you said was hot comes up to you and asks of you said that then omit that you did say it BUT that is doubtful so don't sweat it you have nothing to worry about just keep your thoughts to your self from now on!!!!!!
2006-09-27 18:05:58
answer #4
answered by brutalA 3
Its good buddy iff thts the case - I mean u r already in his view even wen u never did anything - Enjoy the attention he's gonna give u n pls. take tht worry outta ur mind n be cool - talk to him casually just as co-mates or u r gonna lose this opportunity...
U might not be knowing but every1 likes to be liked just as I do, just as u do, and so does he...
2006-09-27 18:48:31
answer #5
answered by simi 2
Hey.....if you do'nt want personal information to get out there, then don't tell anyone. It is so simple to just keep your mouth closed.
Besides if he knows........who really cares. It will either help you or hinder you.
You sound like you are suprised that the word got out that you like him. Get real hon...............if you want something to be a secret, then just don't tell anyone
2006-09-27 18:15:55
answer #6
answered by clcalifornia 7
If you like him talk to him and see if he wants to go out, otherwise do nothing and wait to see what he does.
2006-09-27 18:36:20
answer #7
answered by Flutterby 2
act like u dont like him and if he asks u if u do then just say no, walk around around normal like hes a normal person he wont suspect a thing.
2006-09-27 18:03:19
answer #8
answered by ElizaG 2
just act normally like you used to do b4 the rumors.. and if you like too you go ahead and tell him frankly... you have the choice on what to do , its up to you which you will choose, gudlack!
2006-09-27 18:07:17
answer #9
answered by Maria 2
Nothing.....go and talk to him...see if he likes u back....u could even ask him out...give it a try....if he says yes then good! If he doesnt then that sucks...
2006-09-27 18:03:25
answer #10
answered by daia750 2