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Can somebody please help me. I'm playing Crime Stories for the computer and am still on the 1st level I need to find his cell phone, does anyone know where I can find it???? Please help me!

2006-09-27 10:56:28 · 2 answers · asked by fairylover 4 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

2 answers

Here ya go cheaty cheat pants :p

Act 1 - Martin

You wake up having a bad dream. The phone makes it
no easier to wake up! Get it, and hear Martin and
Insepector Travis talk about Proffesor Eulemburg
murder. But you can't go in your robe! And your
car is at the mechanics. There are 4 objectives
in this Act.

1. Get Dressed.
2. Call the Mechanic.
3. Get a Map of New York.
4. Get your Cellphone.

To get dressed, you need to open your wordrobe.
Read the yellow sticky note and you will find
out your loving wife Diana wants you to stay!
How nice! Go down stairs and talk to Java.
Clearly Java wants something in exchange for
your dressor key.. Go to your study.(the room
with the books near the living room.) And on
the 2nd shelf by the door Martin should see
"artifact assortment of objects" Get the
stone head and take it to Java. Java will
give you your dresser key. Use the key on
your dresser and Martin will change.
Now you have to call the mechanic. But where
is the number? Try the logical place. Your
study. Next to your Mac, on the left you
will find a piece of paper. Rats! It's been
torn. Grab it! You got half of the mechanics
number. Go to the kitchen and inspect the
fridge. To the left of the recpie, there is
a piece of paper. The rest of the mechanics
number! Combine it with the other half to
get a full mechanics number. Click on it
and Martin will call the mechanic. Go to the
front door and pick up the keys that are
on the floor. Next, you need a map of New York.
It is next to the cordless phone base to the
right of the kitchen door. Grab it and Martin
will store this map in his inventory. Lastly,
you need your cell. Call it useing your phone.
(presets) Martin hears riging from the couch.
Inspect it and find your cellphone under a
pillow. Grab it! You can now leave out the
front door to Proffesor Elumbergs Estate.
Grab your car! (the ferrari) Select Prof.
Eulemburgs estate on the map. Off you go!

2006-09-27 10:58:02 · answer #1 · answered by Chris C 3 · 1 0

try www.onsaletag.com for the strategy guide.

2006-09-28 05:08:08 · answer #2 · answered by used1goods 4 · 0 0

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