Paper is tha tradition; Thell her to cut out hearts of paper and on each one write a specific thing that she loves about him, ie .. eyes, responsible, courage... etc.
2006-09-27 10:49:13
answer #1
answered by Keighty 1
As someone else mentioned, the 1st anniversary is paper she could get a really nice calender of the next year and pick out significant dates (like when they met..had there first kiss etc......) on it and fill it with lots of different suggestions and ideas of nice things they could do together or things she's like to do for him so that he has a whole year full of great things to look forward to. Some things could be extravagant like a holiday away somewhere and others just simple like "cook a meal for you" or tickets to the gig of his choice or something else he likes get the idea.......and they can have fun planning their next year together.
2006-09-27 11:36:34
answer #2
answered by Bettie Page 2
a present card for an outstanding dinner out. it will be large if it changed into something that changed into out of the classic for them. you should go romantic or merely different. in the adventure that they are stay at abode human beings a clean video and a snack case may be large too. you also may have the makings of an incredible dinner dropped at them from the interior of sight food market. you should attempt Digornos refrigerated pasta and sauce. it truly is quite quick with some frozen bread and perchance a frozen Pepperidge Farm cake. That way it isn't too frustrating to make or freshen up.
2016-12-02 04:55:31
answer #3
answered by kirchoff 3
Go for a meal or maybe a night out on the town and stay spend a night in a nice hotel! (depending on thier age and money budget)
2006-09-27 11:15:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i would suggest a necklace, that was what my boyfriend did for me thing was he put it in a little box and i thought it was a ring i got all emotional and everything ready for him to drop down to one knee.....(sad) and he didnt and i opened the box and there was a beautiful gold necklace....i still wear it now....and he still hasnt proposed 5 years later lol
2006-09-27 10:53:54
answer #5
answered by charlotte66621442000 3
Me and mine like to buy a gift together something biggish we both like some luxury for the house.
2006-09-27 11:38:42
answer #6
answered by jandthing 2
she should get him either a ring or sing a song (love song) and have a nice romantic dinner at night time then celebrate to the "room"!
2006-09-27 10:58:16
answer #7
answered by markriyianni 1
A Black 13" battery operated,glow in the dark dil-do,
2006-09-27 10:56:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You are suppose to give paper so i suggest she gives him a ....
DIC.tionary or some andrex either way they both come in
2006-09-27 10:57:48
answer #9
answered by chelsea 2
a necklace
2006-09-27 10:47:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous