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My bf cheated on me a year ago...we are together still, and doing fine, but his family who i love dearly and i consider mine are hurting me. HIs brothers are rude to me and talk about me behind my back. The girl my boyfriend cheated on me with is now really close with his ENTIRE FAMILY! She tells my boyfriends mom she loves her, and and she says it back. ITs not just his mom, but his aunts, cousin, and uncles are doing it too. She is now pregnant tho with another mans baby, but i am not hatin on her just extremely upset they way she is forming a relationship with my boyfriends family. His family tells me to deal with it and its been over a year, but i cant help to be hurt bout it. If they consider her family, and i am apart of their family, wouldnt that in a way make her family too? THAT JUST KILLS ME! i cant live with the reminder of her sleeping with my boyfriend just by talkin to his family. I mean i feel so cheated

Am i overreacting?

2006-09-27 10:41:40 · 15 answers · asked by dee m 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

15 answers

no u are not overreacting? in fact, u are UNDER reacting. get his sh** straightened out NOW or leave. that's IT. he should not tell you to "Deal with it" and that's that.

obviously people are saying bad things about you, why would hisb rothers be rude and talk behind ur back? someone is saying things, and it just might be your boyfriend, if not that girl. if i were u, i'd stay clear of the family for now, ur not married yet. and if he wants to be w/ u, he needs to kiss YOUR a**. and if he doesn't, that means he would rather be somewhere else. i know it hurts, but i'd rather be w/ someone who puts me as #1 and LOVES me, than someone who would allow his family to treat me like crap and tell me to "deal with it".

2006-09-27 10:48:32 · answer #1 · answered by sasmallworld 6 · 2 0

Well my dear, you have 2 choices.
You can stay with this boyfriend and his rude brothers and watch the entire family loving the newest family member, his x-girlfriend (the girl he slept with behind your back and lied to you about), and her baby and just learn to live with it. Or
You can decide this scene isn't how you want to live your life and break it off with him.

It's your choice, your life, your emotions and your future. And if you don't take care of those things, no one else will, right?

2006-09-27 17:53:11 · answer #2 · answered by Violet Pearl 7 · 0 0

ur not over reacting. dear i will advice you to pack up and leave that bastard boyfriend of yours, i know you love him and it hurts when some one says bad bout you loved one, but its fair enough to say that to him right? 1st of all he shouldnt cheated on you if he do love u, and 2nd he will cheat on you again maybe maybe with the same girl again if she making or building a relationship with his family oh my god maybe his planning of something too, really if i were you i will leave and stop it now, i'de rather take the pain today than take it later when i know its just gonna hurt me more.. think and find in your heart what you really want to do, to dealt with it on to stop it and go.. its yoyr choice at the end of the day, you only have to think and think till you know what you realy want so you'll not regret it in the end too. gudlak!.

2006-09-27 18:47:03 · answer #3 · answered by Maria 2 · 0 0

no you are not over reactingg you have every right to feel the way you do. just as long as he does not disrespect you than you have nothing to worry about .i think she is doing that to just get a reactin out of you.you know some people like being petty like that.
honey just ignore her she's nothing just look pregnant !! wheres her baby's daddy she needs to be with him and his family i think she giving the love to the wrong family. girl don't even worry
she's a flappers!!!

2006-09-27 17:59:34 · answer #4 · answered by angel 1 · 0 0

And they wonder why women start snapping on stupid mutha f****. Kick his *** to the curb and do it before you get anymore attached than you already are. They ain't no damn good, and obviously could give a **** less about you. Why put yourself thru it. You can do so much better.

2006-09-27 17:55:16 · answer #5 · answered by Dani L 2 · 0 0

no Jealousy is a huge huge emotion and hard to get over,, if you have still been with him for a year after he cheated I am gonna guess you have been with him for a long time before that too,, I don't understand why his family likes this girl so much,, but I would just try to not spend time around her I guess,, it's hard,, but just realize he's with you!!!

2006-09-27 17:48:02 · answer #6 · answered by B V 5 · 0 1

he might still like her
his family is probly jus nice to her cause she is
if his family is like that and not him then they probly dont like u but he does
u just need to go wit the best infoe mation

2006-09-27 17:59:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

o my god i would hate the bi>tch if i was in ur situation i dont think i could deal with it. you cant change a bunch of people though if they all love her then theyre goin to keep on loving her. ur either going to have to deal with it or dump him

2006-09-27 17:49:28 · answer #8 · answered by sikovu 1 · 1 0

i don't think you are overrecting.how and the world did she get to the point that she is good friends for his family.i think you should sit him down and talk to him about it.if he cares for you like he says he does then he should tell her to stop coming by.

2006-09-27 17:49:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

break up wit him n get new bf who family loves u

2006-09-27 17:50:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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