The promise of oral sex is usually a good motivator from you to him
2006-09-27 10:41:50
answer #1
answered by soldierof the 82ndAirborne 3
Now thats an open ended question! My first thought is do what?
If it's a matter of intimacy...just tell him what you like and ask him what he likes...make it a two way street.
If it's in reference to his lazy nature... tell him. If he doesn't change then you have some thinking to do.
Remember a busy person always finds time to do more. A lazy person is always too busy to do anything...
So you can't MAKE HIM do anything...he has to want to. But he may think he's doing enough so you have to be totally honest with him and let him know your thoughts. otherwards...communication
2006-09-27 10:37:35
answer #2
answered by john s 3
Please understand. IF you manage to make him do something (and your question implies that he doesn't want to) you end up in power and in misery. The lasting result of making him, or her for that matter, is resentment, anger and bitterness.
As others have said, ask him. Don't nag him, just explain what you would like him to do and why (us guys are stupid about wanting to know why). Most importantly, give him the option to refuse and live with it. Happiness is a lot better than being right.
2006-09-27 10:37:49
answer #3
answered by deepndswamps 5
This takes years to perfect. I turn things around and make it his idea. Or beg. Or make yourself look weak like you can't do it alone. Cry maybe, at your frustration. Tell him your distruaght at knowing that this has to be done, and that there's just no way you can concentrate on sex until it gets done. Depends on how much time you have until the thing needs to get done.
2006-09-27 10:32:58
answer #4
answered by rere 6
Liston to me good-they sense FEAR married -engaged etc. if you show it -they play on it-but once they know you don't have it-and will go on w/ your life-w/out them-you will see how fast they kiss a--/maybe cruel but to dam bad-we woman take alot of sh-t-from men in general-and let me tell you -once you gain your independence and confidence(is key) well lets just say mine is being trained like a dog-took me long enough- ps for some who read this-no im not a cruel-bit-c-i treat my man very well in return!!! good luck to you
2006-09-27 10:37:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The best answer? By doing the things he wants you to do sometimes. It is all give and take in relationships and most men are willing to do things for their wives if the wife does the same in return.
2006-09-27 10:32:23
answer #6
answered by lolliejane1 1
Stop screaming, belittle him and or nagging about everything. Man dont respond too well to women that have everything they need and yet continue to complain about the smallest things. Oh yeah control isnt something that will work either ... now if you need assistance w/ chores, then give him some (chores) !
2006-09-27 10:31:40
answer #7
answered by lopez76g 3
Every man is different and every woman is different but if he is a good man then asking him nicely and then showing him that you trust him to do what he's supposed to do might help. Men generally don't like being nagged. It also might help if you do things for him when he asks so that he sees that it goes both ways. Good luck.
2006-09-27 10:32:37
answer #8
answered by Miriam Z 5
You don't: he's not obliged to do anyhting. But that doesn't mean you can't convince him. Don't emotionally blackmail (a scummy and often ultimately counter-productive way of getting things done), rather, point out the virtues and advantages of your proposed action.
2006-09-27 10:31:42
answer #9
answered by Jim 5
uhh..bribery and ultimatums come to mind, but probably aren't a very good policy. You could try "rewarding" him, maybe?
Also try just talking to him and letting him know how important something is to you. And make sure you're not pushing for something he shouldn't be doing anyway.
2006-09-27 10:30:58
answer #10
answered by Alli 3
U can't make anyone do anything they dont want to do so to persuade him to do these things, tell him how much it would mean to you if he did then you in turn do something he'd like you to do, compromise my dear
2006-09-27 10:30:05
answer #11
answered by koleebear 4