I know actually know him personally,but his name is Geore Bush,better known as the president of the United States. Sure,he might be a smartie and all,but he has our boys fighting in a war we have absolutely no reason to be fighting in. I mean come on,it's not our job to keep Iraq safe,is it? I mean,I really do feel sorry for Iraq,but the should really learn to deal with their own issues,and not to depend on the US to fight their battles for them! They've replaced Sadam and got a new prime minister/president,so they should be able to do SOMETHING about it themselves.
2006-09-27 10:30:07
answer #1
answered by srsa46 2
If people are genuinely all that smart it is possible that while they may do something you see as stupid it could just be that you don't understand the reasoning of a person that smart.
There are different types of intelligence, so sometimes the person who is smart in three areas may have an area or two that he isn't all that great in.
For the most part, the smart people I know don't tend to do stupid things very often. Once in a great while they may, but nobody said they're infallable - only smart.
2006-09-27 11:10:56
answer #2
answered by WhiteLilac1 6
Hey just because we're IQ and book smart doesn't mean we got a lick of common sense. My dad the genius, is a scientist and invented a process now used in the making of airbags and airplane parts. And he does the wackiest stuff.
My favorite is how he can't trim the hedges without cutting the cord with the trimmer. For Christmas we're getting him a gas powered hedge trimmer.
2006-09-27 10:32:12
answer #3
answered by Sara 6
President Bush
2006-09-27 10:27:43
answer #4
answered by ? 7
Everyone. In some way everyone is smart. Yet, everyone in the world, make at least one stupid choice. Or do something stupid. It's an act for learning from your mistakes. But, I choose everyone.
2006-09-27 10:30:55
answer #5
answered by hollywood [hobo]â?¢ 4
Grumpy Dufus is the smartest.
He only does a few stupid things.
2006-09-27 10:27:29
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Everyone---at one time or another. Usually has something to do with love in one form or another.The heart can really block the brain at times.---------- Some people are book smart--but common sense evades them.
2006-09-27 10:34:40
answer #7
answered by patlrussell 2
I'd have to say me. I'm a honors college student with a 3.8 GPA, but I loose my key and/or remote control at least twice a week.
2006-09-27 10:28:35
answer #8
answered by Subconsciousless 7
former president Clinton has 180 IQ and he did some stupid cheating on his wife.
2006-09-27 10:29:18
answer #9
answered by nancy e 4
there was this college professor who taught agriculture well one day he put gas in the fuel tank of this tractor than ran on diesel fuel and not gas
2006-09-27 10:30:03
answer #10
answered by mr. Bob 5