HI THERE.............Well.......You don't ask many questions sweetheart, but when you do........their Doozies. I realize there are family's where things like what you're describing still go on,after all the public information put out. It breaks my heart, if I had to guess if you and your friends assumptions are right.....you've heard the old saying" If it walks like a duck............... quacks like a duck.........gotta be a duck". Alot of people, maybe even your friends, would say "mind your own business"......."don't get involved"........"you're just kids, what do you know", that kind of thinking went out with"Brylcreem" LOL real greasy stuff, that guys put on their hair back in the 50's. Not getting involved caused alot of children too much pain and unnecessary suffering. Let me say something before I go any further.......there are alot of questions you have to ask yourself, taking a step like this is a serious matter, are you ready to accept the weight of this situation? If I can help.......I agree with you 100% by what you've told me......I'd be telling somebody, come he*l or high water. If you're wrong....the worst that can happen is your friend might be a mad at you,no one else will know so as long as you guys keep your mouths shut, you should be OK. But if you're right, you will be saving a family. I also agree with you in telling a counselor, let the adults handle this, but let them know, you may be only fourteen(14) but you know abuse when you see it. There you go, I've put in my two(2) cents, my prayers go with you.....this is one time your screen name is a good thing.LATER
2006-09-27 12:47:36
answer #1
answered by veteranpainter 4
Yes. All you kids should be looking out for each other. Sometimes a boy in an abusive home doesn't make good decisions for himself. He may feel that the abuse is his fault, or that he has to take it to protect his little brothers.
The guidance lady probably won't want to do anything about this, without first hand knowledge of the crimes. She may decide to talk to the boy himself. If you can convince him to speak to her honestly about what is happening at home, she might be able to get him and his brothers away from their scary Dad.
No parent has the right to terrorize his children. No parent has the right to blacken his son's eye. It's really sad that their Mom isn't doing anything to stop this herself, but she may be as beaten as the boys.
Get your friends together to talk to the guidance lady. If she doesn't help, approach the Principal of the school. If that doesn't help, try to talk the boy into going to them instead.
Good luck. And God bless you for caring.
2006-09-27 17:30:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I would report this to the guidance counselor because if he is getting hit know you do not know what is going to happen a few years from now. I had a step father that was abusive and hit me and things like that. I told the principal at my school and he handled the situation. Child abuse is nothing to play with. A parent should not hit there kid or abuse them.
2006-09-27 17:27:45
answer #3
answered by red1967 4
YES! It may seem like you're doing a harsh and cruel injustice to these children, but believe me, the problems that they'll have just dealing with people on a normal everyday basis will be so much larger if they aren't taken out of that environment and shown that you don't have to resort to violence in order to solve your problems. It sounds as though they're already learning that from their father, judging by their reactions to simple questions, so I think you and your friends need to say something to your guidance councilor, right away.
2006-09-27 17:27:28
answer #4
answered by illustrat_ed_designs 4
You have answered you own question. Yes go to your guidance counselor.
Have you kids not learned anything from Columbine?
Bullies and yes you are one trigger all these emotions in kids that have no idea what to do with the rage and pain.
Shame on you for being so horrible to a fellow human and BRAVO for seeing it and realizing you need to do something to help.
2006-09-27 17:27:56
answer #5
answered by Queen Fromage 3
You need to tell someone. A teacher, the school counsler, your principal, any adult, just tell someone now. You could just be seeing the wrong signs, but you could be on to something very big. Let an adultin on what you know, so they can keep an eye on these kids. CPS might need to take a trip over to thier house.
2006-09-27 17:26:18
answer #6
answered by collegebusygirl 3
Yes you should go tell a counselor or teacher or someone. If you think they are being hurt then someone needs to know. It sounds like to me that something bad is happening if they are scared to go home and come to school with black eyes. Tell someone immediately.
2006-09-27 17:29:23
answer #7
answered by Ask Me 3
Go to your guidance counselor immediately. These children need help and their parents need therapy or jail time. When you tease people you are hurting them. This goes to show you that you don't know what that person maybe going through in life and having people be cruel to him will just push him into becoming cruel himself or it may make him self destructive. I hope you are learning a lesson and good for you and your friends for wanting to help .
2006-09-27 17:28:43
answer #8
answered by Val 6
Tell someone at school. A teacher or someone. Tell your parents see what they think you should do. These boys most diff. need help! And you might just be the only one that can do this! So talk to a teacher or someone at school about this. They can do something about it.
Good luck
2006-09-27 17:26:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i think u should definitly go to tell someone. that way someone will see if hes really getting abused or not, but if he is he might be taken away from his parents and brothers and put in a foster home. you should ask him about it. tell him if dosnt do something ur gonna tell someone. this is something really serious so dont ignore, you might not wanna tell anyone but let him know you care. and that was really stupid of you for making fun of the poor guy.
2006-09-27 17:27:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous