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i have used archive decoders but my son has found out a way of deleting the archives so i can not keep track of his conversations on here. I can't afford an expensive program to keep him off the computer and out of chat rooms. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2006-09-27 10:21:23 · 2 answers · asked by phoenix 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

2 answers

I am not sure how to answer your question. Why do you want to archive and track his conversations?
If he is visiting sites that you don't want him to visit, use parental controls, like "Boy, get off the computer, NOW!" assuming your son is not an adult.
Short of that, you could hide the files various ways, but it seems to me the best way is to burn them to a disc or to a jumpdrive.

2006-09-27 11:06:02 · answer #1 · answered by deepndswamps 5 · 0 0

The revealed e book for the Muslims is the Quran sent by ability of Allah which includes the message. to be able to actual understand Islam from there. people who disagree, how did the fairly some Imams and scholors understand the Quran? by the Quran! The prescribed e book is the Quran which has element to each and each element related to faith. human beings as a replace of finding up interior the Quran decide for the instructions/evaluations of alternative Imams and the two books of the two significant sects. Why is the Muslims community 2day dealing with lots problems? that is with the aid of shortcoming of the certainty of Islam! evaluations of the Imams and the instructions interior the Bukhari/Muslim and the Shia e book could be chosen as references. human beings decide for beside the point quotations from there and follow them as a replace of the main important hadiths which tells a believer how could they prepare Islam and all that... i'm no longer a Quranist yet that is what i've got faith.. Asalamualaykum!

2016-10-18 02:19:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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