True. What was the question? Did you ask me if I wanted to "do you"? That depends....what do you look like, are you single, what is the size of your bra?
Please...... not all men are like that. Just the stupid ones. Yes, men in their 30's can still be immature. Anyway.....I'm sorry the rest of our sex is stupid and childish. Men that ask those questions aren't worth your time. When they mature they want to know who you are because if you "live happily ever after" with them they have to like YOU because at 80 years old your breasts will be on the floor and old dudes don't care about that! Good Luck!
2006-09-27 10:24:58
answer #1
answered by denverbroncos1973 4
Not necessarily, the key word in the question is usually. A small number of guys have moved beyond their biological urges and realize that there is more to life than getting off. When you find a guy like this they usually also have moved beyond stupid mind games that are so generally played in this pursuit. Maybe your finding guys in the wrong places. Couldn't it also be said that all girls just want to get into guys wallets?
2006-09-27 17:27:57
answer #2
answered by big steve 1
To a point some (extremely few) want a relationship with someone. A relationship, that doesn't need sex to be enjoyed, where just talking is as much of a thrill as sex. I am one of them and i'm in High School, so meh, most of us do think with our ***** and even people such as i want a one night stand at times.
2006-09-27 17:30:56
answer #3
answered by Giz 2
no not all guys are the same.true a lot do think the way you think they do.dont let some bad apples spoil the rest of the batch.sorry your having such a bad time lately but i will get better maybe youre going after the wrong types of guys. try to pay more attention as to how the conversations are going if they start to turn and you have a bad feeling stop talking to them.
2006-09-27 17:29:13
answer #4
answered by raudidave 3
I gave up on you women a long time ago. If we're not thinking with our ***** we want something else. Nice guys don't win just fckers who are really persistant and break a woman down til she sleeps with him.
Its a fact. Men want sex. Some get it more than others and although your getting quantity your not getting quality.
Sorry to hear that its got you down but good luck in the future.
2006-09-27 17:27:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
First, age and maturity are independant of each-other.
Second, society expects guys to "think with their *****." That's why everything you see on T.V. has erotic imagery, and every third commercial is for male enhancement or an E.D. prescription. Being bombarded with sexual images results in thinking about it all the time.
2006-09-27 17:24:36
answer #6
answered by Privratnik 5
No, thats not true, do you really believe that. Some guy really screwed with you didn't he. It sounds to me that your just finding the wrongs guys to date and talk to on the internet. I never bring up sex or any of that other stuff that bothers you until the woman wnats to talk about it.
2006-09-27 17:39:04
answer #7
answered by captianpr 4
Uh, NO. Yes, I'm a guy, I think about sex all the time, but when first talking to a woman or meeting, I want to know more about her and see if we click or there is chemistry...
2006-09-27 17:22:47
answer #8
answered by jon m 1
I'm not a guy, but yes, they do. I have one in particular bugging the heck out of me. May all his teeth fall out but one, and the last tooth develope a toothache to beat all toothaches, because even while insulting me, trashing me, and basically refusing to let a trivial matter drop, he has hinted he would like to prod me (if you get my drift).
2006-09-27 17:23:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
With a name like StonerChick, what kind of guys do you think you are attracting? Not the kind that want to get to know you...
2006-09-27 17:21:54
answer #10
answered by Rivrav 2