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How does EA manage to screw up basketball for every gamer in the nation 7 straight years in a row? Yes , NBA 07 sucks too. Dont bother pickin it up or even lookin at the case for that matter. The Tracy Mcgrady cover sums up EA 's game this year: A no-show. EA , thank you once again for wasting my 60 bucks.

2006-09-27 09:26:02 · 7 answers · asked by icyhott4urmind 1 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

7 answers

Stop buying EA sports. They are AWFUL. 2K sports makes better Basketball, Hockey and Baseball. They used to make a better NFL game but EA put a stop to that by buying exclusive NFL rights.

2006-09-27 10:00:19 · answer #1 · answered by zz56zz56 3 · 2 0

This doesn't sound like much of a question, but if you continue to purchase the games before playing them, you are not real bright, especially if they have been bad for 6 years.
You (by purchasing the game) are telling them they are making a satisfactory product, and why would they try to fix anything? Come on man

2006-09-27 16:29:59 · answer #2 · answered by superhomer1221 2 · 1 1

Always get a demo first. They are free and easy to find if you know where to look. B-ball is a hard sport to turn into a video game, give them some credit.

2006-09-27 16:34:14 · answer #3 · answered by Mace 2 · 1 1

i thought your question was going to be, "how does EA get away with releasing the EXACT SAME GAMES year after year, with only minor, crappy upgrades?"

2006-09-27 16:33:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

what is funny is that you keep buying it

The game is the same every year except they change the imaging a bit and change the players names.

2006-09-27 16:33:39 · answer #5 · answered by billyandgaby 7 · 1 1

You should go outside and play real sports

2006-09-27 16:29:43 · answer #6 · answered by Kim J 2 · 1 1

You are wrong, EA does do it good!

2006-09-27 16:28:50 · answer #7 · answered by sooners83 4 · 0 2

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