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is which prevents me from using my internet explorer browser. I am also blocked trying when trying to use mozilla firefox. The only browser I can connect to the internet with is Netscape. Some one said that maybe my anti virus program , in this case, PC-Cillin is infected. That is just great, lol, the very anti-virus program I use to protect my computer is itself infected? geez..anyway....THE ONLY WAY I CAN connect to the internet is when I disable the FIREWALL on my on my Pc-cillin antivirus program...how is that for great technology? Any suggestions as to what could be wrong? and....if this "system mechanic professional 6" is worth anything?
thank you

2006-09-27 09:10:39 · 2 answers · asked by cautiouscautious2005 3 in Computers & Internet Security

2 answers


2006-09-27 09:22:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i'm in center college yet we've comparable voting right here. i replace into voted "maximum in all probability to interrupt A mirror and supply somebody else undesirable success" i'm no longer kidding. by some skill, they seen this. And curiously i'm the single human beings think of of. could desire to I be chuffed, unhappy, or in simple terms puzzled?

2016-12-12 16:16:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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