If she's four and a half months along she can't get an abortion anymore in most places and probably isn't getting any health care for her baby at this time. I would just tell her mom without her consent. It's not about her anymore, it's about that baby.
2006-09-27 06:01:29
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Remind her of what could happen to the baby if she doesn't get proper medical care. She needs to be on pre-natal vitamins and she needs to be checked by a doctor to make sure everything is okay with the pregnancy. She will also need to have someone around (her mum is best choice) when it comes time to deliver the baby, besides remind her that her parents might be really excited to be grandparents. And if you are a true friend you will volunteer to go with her and help her as much as you can. Good Luck!!
2006-09-27 12:53:51
answer #2
answered by Scooter Girl 4
Well, if she is a minor, she needs to tell her parents right away. She should have told them before she told anyone else. But if she's an adult, she is probably waiting for the right time to tell them her news. Parents act differently to the news that they are about to be grandparents. Some get very excited, and others say, "I'm too young to be a grandparent." She's probably just worried how they will react. Give her my best, God Bless, and Good Luck.
2006-09-27 12:55:07
answer #3
answered by missy 2
I don't know how old your friend is, but i'd suggest to her that she may need to go and tell her parents before she starts to show too much. They may actully have some good suggestions. They may be upset for a little while, but they will get over it soon. Believe me, my parents were upset with me, but it didn't last long. I included my mom in with the dr. appointments and especially with the ultrasound. once she laid eyes on that precious bundle of joy I was carrying she got over it quickly. I would just tell her she should do it before she shows too much. And if she doesn't do it, it may be even worse. Sometimes parents surprise you with reactions, even though your friend thinks they may be upset they may not be.
2006-09-27 12:55:48
answer #4
answered by danielle m 2
Tell her it would be better for her to tell her mum because her mum has been through what she is going through. Tell her her mum can offer support to her and answer any questions she might have. Her mum can also tell her what to expect during different stages of her pregnancy. It would be wise to tell her because in the next few months her bump will start showing anyway.
2006-09-27 12:51:54
answer #5
answered by Lucy 2
this one is hard cause if you do the wrong thing you can lose the friendship. I had a friend who didnt tell anyone tell she was in labor....Yicks was that a nightmare for the family. I would just tell her to protect her heath and the babys she needs to have as less stress as possible and that includes getting it over with by telling her parents....your mind always makes it worse then what it really is.
2006-09-27 12:55:35
answer #6
answered by heathersasmom 1
I used to work for a program that worked with a lot of pregnant teenagers. Almost all of them would tell me that telling their parents wasn't as bad as they feared it would be. And eventually she's going to have to tell them, or they're going to figure it out for themselves. Just tell her that you'll be there for her.
Also, she needs to go to a doctor, and I'm guessing that if her parents don't know, she hasn't gone. She needs prenatal vitamins and to be checked by a doctor. Tell her that her baby will be healthier if she tells her parents and then sees a doctor ASAP.
2006-09-27 12:53:04
answer #7
answered by cldb730 4
Freak that's a toughie... you could always take them to A&W and when she orders a mama burger, and then walks away, get her a gramma burger instead... it worked pretty good on that commercial. Just don't forget the onion rings.
Ok but for real advice, yeah, no clue. Just tell her.
2006-09-27 12:51:51
answer #8
answered by canadamoose22 5
Well, if she is only kind of pregnant, I would say she doesn't need to tell her "mum" until she is completely pregnant.
2006-09-27 12:53:11
answer #9
answered by J D 5
Listen. Your friends parents are going to find out anyways. So might us well tell them, the sooner the better.
I wish her good luck!
2006-09-27 13:00:45
answer #10
answered by Maria M 2