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I want to start playing sims for the pc, does anyone know which is the 1st game for it and wot it is called! (may sound silly but you never know) Any help will do!

2006-09-27 05:44:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

6 answers

well there are loads of sims games now first there are

sims 1 its just called DULUXE EDITION----no expansion packs or the TRIPLE DULUXE EDITION--has all the expansion packs on already
or get one that says Livin large

Sims 2 is so much better and easier
and now they have made new expansion packs for that as well
Night life, Open for buisness, university, a Christmas one and Glamourous one. And a new one coming soon where you have pets

I would prefer Sims 2. Sims 1 is a bit rubbish and poor graphics and takes too much memory and is very slow

2006-09-27 05:50:43 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Well there is the sim 1 and the sims 2. the sims 2 is much better. The first one is just called sims 2, the expansion packs for sims2 are called, university, nightlife, open for business. There may be another one. Hope this helps, its a great game by the way, make sure you computer has the specs to run the game also or it wont work.

2006-09-27 12:50:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Sims Deluxe Edition. If you actually get it while your playing the game you can press control, alt, and C to type in the secret password that gets you all the money you want. When the box pops up in the left hand side of the screen type rosebud; ;
(rosebud; (space) ;) If the control alt c thing doesnt work then try to mess with control c or control some other letter. Anyways when you find the box you got it!! :P Confusing i know...sorries!

2006-09-27 12:56:48 · answer #3 · answered by Snap Skittles 2 · 0 0

Well now you would have to get the deluxe addtion. It includes the 1st Sims and Livin Large expansion pack. They just combined the 2 in one package. I agree with Morrow below. Sim's 2 is really the one to get.

2006-09-27 12:47:36 · answer #4 · answered by sweetpea 3 · 0 0

Don't waste you money on the first sims. Get Sims 2. The first one doesn't have a name and costs roughly $45. The get Open for Business because you get your own car!!!

2006-09-27 12:48:34 · answer #5 · answered by morrowynd 7 · 0 0

Well..the first game is call "The Sims"

2006-09-29 02:15:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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