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I know the graphics are suppose to be better. But what else is better with the XBox 360??

2006-09-27 05:08:23 · 14 answers · asked by x06734 2 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

14 answers


For people who suggest PS3.. for your infos, PS3 will be more expensive and the games cost you at least US$60, and yes..games that exclusively played in PlayStation such as grand turismo and tekken and ff will not be launch until probably next year or god knows when..

Guys.. only an advice.. if you want the brand.. so that people think you r rich and stuff buy PS3 which i think costly and don't worth the money..

xbox 360 so far sold quite a lot than PS2 although overall there are more PS, and why is that? it is because for PS 1 and 2, Sony implemented a strategy that let a lot of people to illegally copy their games..so people buy a lot of the consoles just because they can play cheap cost games..

so i still thinks xbox 360 worth to buy..
wii in the second choice for interactive playing experience..

no offense whoever choose ps3 should think twice..will that thing worth the money? expensive and the the games are expensive..

6 games will be launch with ps3 .. but it sux.. only mahjong and 1 kind of lame race game..and some other 4..

2006-09-27 21:56:10 · answer #1 · answered by _ni_ 2 · 0 0

Is it worth the money? Well, that's all personal opinion. So far, I've spent $400 for the system, $1100 for an HDTV, $200 for a home theater sound system, $120 on accessories, around $1000 on retail games, $100 worth of Marketplace points, and $50/year on Xbox Live. That's about $3k I've spent because of this system. So far, that's less than the gaming laptop I was going to buy, so yeah, to me it's worth it.

While it is pricey, I've got some of the newest, best-looking games that are great fun. And plenty more will be available by the end of the year. And the PS3 is only going to be more expensive, with games suspected to cost between $70 and $90. You do get slightly more technical bang with it, but whether that's worth the extra money is up to you.

As far as what's better with the system, there's a lot. Xbox Live is a must-have if you plan on getting the system. It's a great way to meet new people and play against people you'd otherwise never even know. I use it to keep in touch with my brother while he wipes the floor with me in Madden.

It's got Xbox Live Arcade, where you can download your favorite arcade games and compete against other people over Live. It has free downloadable demos of games so you can try them before spending a dime.

The wireless controller feels perfect in my hands and is easily the best wireless controller I've ever used. The widescreen display is crystal clear and is great at drawing you into games.

Speaking of games, Oblivion is a fantastic open-world adventure if you're into that sort of thing. Dead Rising is like starring in your own zombie horror/comedy movie. Call of Duty 2, Saints Row, Ghost Recon... It has tons of great games, and I guarentee 20 more must have titles will be out before the holiday season.

In the end, whether it's worth it or not is up to you. Gaming is expensive these days, so you've gotta decide how into it you really are. If you had asked which system I recommend for you, I would have answered differently, but since you just asked about the plusses of the 360 and if it's worth it, I would say YES it's worth it, and the plusses are PLENTY.


2006-09-27 06:06:35 · answer #2 · answered by slick_j_2002 3 · 0 0

who ever wrote the big paragraph is 100% WRONG , the elite is worth the money, there are very great games and you will also make friends fast too, hell yea xbox live is worth the money people that are on the PS3 are cheap and don't want to pay for anything. it's very good online play and there are millions of people that play Xbox live. yes get the xbox 360 and apparenty that guy doesn't know that xbox live is way better then PC multiplayer and that there are exclusives to the 360 that they don't put on the PC. they didn't put gears 2. get the elite

2016-03-27 13:38:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The 360 is definitely worth the money. The marketplace is awesome. If the Wii does good, don't be surprised to see the 360 put out games and a controller similar to the Wii's. The 360 is the most versatile system out there. The PS3 is way to expensive and doesn't expand hardly at all. Plus you get to play Halo 3 when it comes out.

2006-09-27 05:36:45 · answer #4 · answered by stigma138 3 · 0 0

My big interest in the 360 is in the Xbox Live Marketplace functions. I think it's hella cool to be able to download online-versions of classic games like Street Fighter 2 and original games like Gemoetry Wars. If I had enough money after I get my Wii, I'd get a 360.

2006-09-27 05:30:25 · answer #5 · answered by made_of_spam 2 · 0 0

I was looking for a free download Street Fighter 2 I found it here; http://bitly.com/1oha3t4

Super Street Fighter 2 is developed and released by CP System-II. This version works very well with the processors of mobile devices. Its graphics, animations and audio were beautifully enhanced which made it a lot better than the old one.

2014-08-24 20:00:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

me personaly since u havent gotten it i would either save up and get the PS3 or better yet if u alreayd have the money wait a month and a half and get the Wii for $250...the Wii is going to be amazing. 360 just doesnt pack the punch that either of the other systems will contain.


2006-09-27 05:16:58 · answer #7 · answered by mr.broc 4 · 0 0

well from what i no the xbox 360 is expensive so i cant say cuz i already have one lol!

2006-09-27 05:35:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

xbox 360 is a good console, It's your choice, Ps3 is coming soon though, Killzone 2 is going to kick a.s.s.

2006-09-27 05:31:56 · answer #9 · answered by Lenneth's true challenge 4 · 0 0

no way
you should wait for da ps3
dat is awesome.
yes it may cost more but dat is much more worth it.
x box 360's graphics just aren't up to standards
get PS3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-27 05:27:51 · answer #10 · answered by qwerty 3 · 0 2

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