Yes I did. I wanted to know with both of my girls. There are good reasons to find out, like, making sure you can get clothes and things gender appropriate (wouldn't it be funny if you buy a lot of prety frilly baby girl dresses and stuff and it turned out that you had a boy?) Also, it helps to decorate the room the way you want easier, and if someone asks what you need o would like for the new baby, you can say clothes for a boy (or girl) or items in specific colors.
Also, it helps with any other children you might have (as well as a bond for yourself) to know, because you can pick out the babys name, and instead of calling it "the baby" all the time, you can call him/her by their name. That helped my oldest daughter a LOT. Instead of saying the baby, we called her baby Mya, so when she was born, my oldest knew her as baby Mya.
If you want the element of surprise though, wait.
2006-09-27 04:58:39
answer #1
answered by Genny 3
Yes. I am just the type of person who does not like surprises, I like to have everything planned out as much as possible. Not that it really helped. At my mid term ultrasound the cord was between the legs and they could not tell. And by the time I had may shower I had asked for all neutral things and did not want to know at my last ultrasound. I figured I only had another week or 2 to go so it really did not matter at that point. With my second pregnancy I had an amnio due to my age and found out for sure. (once again they could not tell from the ultrasound as baby was not in the right position to see properly). I have also had friends that were told that they were having a girl and it turned out to be a boy. So the moral of the story is, dont paint the room pink just because they say it is a girl as you may end up with a surprise anyway.
2006-09-27 12:00:43
answer #2
answered by sooz 3
I really wanted to know but not my husband. He wanted a surprise. I thought it would be fun to start shopping and prepare the relatives in case they wanted to shop too. With one baby I had the ultrasound tech. write it down for me to see. I tried to keep it a secret but my husband eventually found out and he was very distressed. Not about the gender but because he didn't get his "surprise". That was the last time I tried that. Surprises from now on. It is rather fun that way too.
2006-09-27 11:53:52
answer #3
answered by interested 2
Yes, I felt I was able to bond more with my child while I was still pregnant knowing if they were a boy or girl. We were able to prepare more. For my first we had a huge shower, girl for all of the clothes. With my scond (boy) I wanted to know if I had to buy all new clothes.
2006-09-27 11:54:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
On one hand it is great to know, on the other hand, I think it is much more exciting in the delivery room if you wait. Some people think your labor goes faster too, if you don't find out because you are more excited to see the end result.
2006-09-27 16:37:02
answer #5
answered by Rachel☺ 5
Yes! I hate surprises! I think knowing what's coming and being excited to see it is a lot better than not knowing and waiting to find out!
2006-09-27 12:03:03
answer #6
answered by glitz_and_glitter 3
Yes, we thought it would be easier to get things ready for the baby by knowing what we were having...and we couldn't take the anticipation for 9 months! haha!
2006-09-27 11:52:13
answer #7
answered by Huliganjetta 5
i did. it was like christmas i just had to know what i was getting. that and i wanted to buy stuff for it. like cloths and toys. but most of all i wanted to know so i could pick out a name for it. not when i was in the hospital worrying about other stuff, i needed at least one thing i didn't have to worry about.
2006-09-27 11:57:23
answer #8
answered by deener1977 3
yes. i have two boys and wanted to know my most recent's sex and when i found out i was having a girl the rest of the pregnancy i bought pink and was so thrilled
2006-09-27 11:53:26
answer #9
answered by staceylovesshon 2
I didn't want to know. Besides the baby wouldn't stay still long enough for them to see
2006-09-27 12:48:41
answer #10
answered by mommy_2_liam 7