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and he is still somewhat insecure. I just want to show him how love and a really good relationship should be. Is there anything more I can do to help him get over his hellish past???

2006-09-27 03:49:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

12 answers

Just give him time and always be there for him he will come to realize in his own time that not all relationships can end that way and he will thank you for that.

There is no way to make him feel secure quickly just stand by him showing him that you love him and you show him how a good relationship can be.

2006-09-27 03:54:43 · answer #1 · answered by claire_d27 1 · 0 0

The only thing that can really help him is time. Something like a divorce takes time to get past. Just be patient with him.

2006-09-27 03:50:44 · answer #2 · answered by marie 4 · 0 0

Hellish pasts linger a long, long time. Keep patience and know it will get better with time. Patience and time will take care of it, but it won't happen tomorrow.

2006-09-27 03:52:32 · answer #3 · answered by matters 3 · 0 0

Look it is not your fault that bad things happend to him in the pass, vene if you try to show him a true love,,,there nothing you can do until he decides to brake the wall that is blocking your every ones feelings because his affraid to get hurt,that is not your fault what happend to him and he should be more grown up about it ,,, not every one is the same,, only because someone did something to him dosen't mena he has to take it on every one,,he does not know what he is missing on,, you might be one the love of his lile but if he is being like that he might lose you... it looks to me that he is carring baggaged,,from other relationships,,

2006-09-27 04:19:50 · answer #4 · answered by Airforcepink 3 · 0 0

Then back off. You have to accept him with his bagagge. You cannot change his past so cope with it.

Wanna help him get over it? Stop trying to make him stop grieving for his divorce. This is natural. Be patient and don;t bring it up. If he wants to talk about it then listen and DON'T JUDGE.

Good luck

2006-09-27 04:01:53 · answer #5 · answered by Blunt 7 · 0 0

Patience...He will need time to heal, it will happen as long as you give him all of the loving care that he needs. Please be cautious though, do not allow him to take advantage of your patience. He should come around when he realizes you are serious and that you won't hurt him the first time he takes down his wall of hurt. Good luck and have fun.

2006-09-27 03:55:30 · answer #6 · answered by Hopie 1 · 0 0

Only time can do that sweety.. Treat him like you want him to treat you, he'll soon forget the past or better yet learn to live with it...Just be honest with each other and let things build from there...Your friend from Tennessee....ROB

2006-09-27 03:54:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

no - he needs to do it himself - he's gotta reach deep down inside and let his anger go & forgive his ex & grieve the end of his marriage - without the ablity to do that he will probably not be able to commit to anyone else & may mistreat alot of women that cross his path - i would give him space and encourage him to seek professional help - do you really want the burden to heal him - i'm sure you have your own needs - let a professional help him.

2006-09-27 03:53:55 · answer #8 · answered by livetall1 4 · 0 0

no, only he can get over it on his own-just support him

2006-09-27 04:00:59 · answer #9 · answered by gabby 5 · 0 0

Give him time to heal.

2006-09-27 03:50:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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