Well I am a woman and I have some suggestions. You could get her a necklace with a beautiful pendant on it. For example, my boyfriend got me a very simple gold chain with a pendant that is a pink sapphire heart, a ruby heart, and 7 diamonds. It cost around $250. You could take her away for the weekend, to somewhere close but fun, just for a get away. Get her a gift certificate for the mall with a sweet card. Get her a day at the spa.
2006-09-27 03:52:18
answer #1
answered by darcilynn83 4
2016-05-05 22:12:44
answer #2
answered by Frank 3
my husband is taking m to the symphony for my birthday. We are making a whole evening of it. dinner and the symphony.
See if there is a show or something coming to town that she really wants to see. Even if its something you really don't care for. Get tickets, take her to buy a new outfit, and make an entire evening out of it. Granted, it helps to get the new outfit sooner than the day of the concert or whatever, but hey. If you really want to surprise her, make it seem like you have something else planned. Even when buying her outfit. If she asks what it is for, say "I thought it would look pretty on you. I don't care if you won't wear it out that often, it looks great on you and I think you deserve it." Then, the night of the concert or whatever, have her get all dressed up, that dress, new shoes, make up, get her hair done up nie, and say, lets go out. Then when you get to the venue that you are taking her to, she will be surprised, happy beyond all belief and it will be the most wonderful birthday present ever.
I am a hopeless romantic at heart. I have millions of ideas like that too. If you need more, feel free to ask.
2006-09-27 04:30:20
answer #3
answered by Genny 3
The gift of your undivided interest! My hubby is quite busy and when my birthday came around he marked the day on his calendar and left it wide open!
Started w/flowers arriving at my job w/a card inviting me to dinner. He called ahead at the restaurant and arranged for a special seating area for the 2 of us. He had a single red rose to give me. He was attentive throughout the night. It was so nice, I don't remember the gift he gave me! When we returned to our home, he lit candles in our bedroom and I think you can figure out the rest!
It was almost like when we first began dating. Maybe he wanted to try recapture the 'special' first feelings during a new relationship. It worked!
He focused on the 'quality' of our time instead of trying to wow me with some big, fancy, expensive gift.
How's about reliving your first date (if it was a good one!)? Go back to the first place you have dinner/lunch/coffee, bring her the same flowers if you gave her any at that first time, etc....
Hau'oli la Hanau to your wife!
2006-09-27 04:02:56
answer #4
answered by Hula girl 2
Well.. today is my birthday and i havent gotten anything but an acknowladgement. I think a romantic dinner, and something that she likes the best, whatever that may be flowers, jewelry, lil nick nacks,a vacation. Just something from your heart would be best.
I know it may not help but, a woman really does care about the lil things..
2006-09-27 03:53:46
answer #5
answered by southernfancymom 2
jewelry; flowers; dinner and a movie; a day spa; a massage; a night out with the girls (on your dime); a horse-drawn carriage ride (my husband did that for me it was the best)
Good luck! and Happy birthday to your wife!!
2006-09-27 03:53:05
answer #6
answered by Daisie 3
A cute and free birthday present is a Happy Birthday Singing Dog video, you can send her the link or download the video and send it that way. Will make her smile 100% :)
2006-09-27 08:01:50
answer #7
answered by pixel876 2
My husband always gets me something I really want. this year he bought me another Persian kitten. In the past he has bought me a new car, a trip to Germany to see a favorite singer, diamonds etc. It really isn't about cost, it is about the thought you put into it.
2006-09-27 03:50:35
answer #8
answered by AsianPersuasion :) 7
it depends on what she likes! I no flowers a gift and dinner is great for me. the gift could be purfume or jewlery, but make it somthing for her, not somthing anyone eles can use. and never somthing for the house. good luck.
2006-09-27 03:51:52
answer #9
answered by trish p 2
I got by wife a card, a bouquet of flowers, and I made her dinner, and done the dishes afterwards. She LOVED it!!!!
2006-09-27 03:51:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous