Go to your local county court house.
2006-09-27 01:53:46
answer #1
answered by Troy 5
Marriage can offer something that living together cannot. Commitment to one another. While you may be committed to one another if you are living together (I don't know if you are), there is that feeling that you can simply walk away when times get rough.
When you marry, you are promising that person that you will be there for him/her even through the bad times.
My husband and I have been married, loved and fought for many years, and the reason we stay together is because of the vows (promises) we made each other (we did not use traditional vows either). When we fight, we realize that because we made a promise to one another that we would not divorce, it means that we MUST work out the issues. It also gives me some security knowing that even if I do something that upsets him or he does something that upsets me, we're committed to one another as a family. And that perseverence has gotten us through some pretty rough times to some pretty wonderful times. Personally, I just don't see how being in a relationship without marriage gives a person that level of commitment.
As far as a ceremony, would there be a justice of the peace that could perform a civil ceremony in a location you would feel is appropriate?
2006-09-27 02:00:55
answer #2
answered by Searcher 7
As far as I know all Civil Ceremonies (ie. in Register offices) are non religious, to the point where they don't even allow hymns and things.
Normally speaking the benefits of marriage are:
- security for both sides if things go wrong, there is more legal protection (common-law doesn't exist in the UK)
- Tax benefits and various other tax reliefs
- If there are children, the father will have more rights.
2006-09-27 01:56:55
answer #3
answered by Mousen 1
Marriage in the legal sense can be performed at the court house. At least marriage offers things to couples that just "living together" does not. Insurance comes to mind. Also many other advantages.
2006-09-27 01:54:42
answer #4
answered by sheeny 6
just go to registry office, it's quick and non-religious, marriage is security and promises between 2 people, a firm foundation to build on and to bring children into. What do you have to offer to a marriage?
2006-09-27 04:34:24
answer #5
answered by pottydotty 4
Get married in a registry office, its not religeous. The reason for marriage is that you make a statement of commitment to your partner. Marriage is important for the future of our society and the commitment it brings with it.
2006-09-28 10:30:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Marriage has nothing to do with religion.You can make it that way but that is not what marriage is about. I have been married and it nothing to do with it. I am atheist so I had a notary marry me. It's a joint union to spend the rest of your life with your best friend and partner.If you choose not to marry that's fine if you are happy.
2006-09-27 02:06:54
answer #7
answered by Raineybaby 4
if you get married in UK, you and your partner need to register at the Marriage Registry office, give notice and fix a date.
there is no religious activity involved in that marriage. you dont have to exchange rings, unless you want to. all you have to do is take an oath and sign the marriage register. and you are married !
2006-09-27 02:01:56
answer #8
answered by GorGeous_Girl 5
Go to a notary and sign a "ready made" agreement (make small
changes, if you wish provided within the laws) and the notary will
declare you legally married. Make sure you make an appointment
so as no to wait in the queue!
2006-09-27 01:57:25
answer #9
answered by Ricky 6
In the UK, marriages conducted in a registry office (civil marriage ceremonies) are not allowed to have any religious content.
2006-09-27 02:01:09
answer #10
answered by Junisai 3
You can get married in a register office, or nominate certain allocated places that on a specified list for holding civil weddings. I've always thought that if I ever got married (fat chance now!) I would do it in the palm house at Kew Gardens
2006-09-27 05:01:13
answer #11
answered by yvonne c 2