must say its a real good film i really enjoyed it had me on the edge of my seat
hope u like it
2006-09-26 21:09:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
dunno but i know it has eliza dushku in it. this is a review from IMB movies:
anyone who expects any movie to be perfect is just always going to find failure. no movie can be exactly right because they have a large variety of people to please. if you are expecting to find a movie nowadays that totally freaks you out, that is hard. we have seen almost everything by now. this movie isn't trying to be amazing, it is just meant to freak you out and provide you with some gore. it does do this. i watched it for the first time in the dark, it sure scared me. this movie is a little different from the predictable and sometimes a little bit annoying movies like Scream, I know what you did last summer, etc. it is a good movie for people who aren't looking for too much. just to have a different cast of people than the conventional ones, Eliza dushku, who i am a fan of, isn't your usual wilting, running screamer. she is just as strong as the men and doesn't always need help. Desmond Harrington is nice to look at and has a strong quality about him. these two working together can be enjoyable and have the ability to survive. this movie is different enough and scary enough to be enjoyable. i sure enjoyed it, and i bought it.
2006-10-03 13:18:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Are you expecting much? It's not really bad, but it's definitely hedging towards the fine line. Wrong Turn is good for a couple of hours of non-thinking entertainment, but if you prefer more psychological-thrilling in your scary movies, you might wanna return it. The special features are cool though, especially when you hear how much the actors enjoyed making the film without all that it-better-be-a-hit diva-ing some of them love to do.
Just enjoy it for what it is... a mindless romp in the horror world with little plausibility and a gorgeous cast. If you don't like it, sell it on Ebay.
2006-09-27 04:27:39
answer #3
answered by Suraya 3
It's an ok film to pass 90mins with, isn't the worst film I've ever seen, but not the best either. Unfortunately pretty much devoid of scares.
2006-10-04 15:45:44
answer #4
answered by iainb31 2
I've seen it. I'd not heard of it 'till it was showed on C4. I wont ruin the story for you, I'll be nice. But yea, it is a good film. Not one of the best. But I think it has an interesting story. And a great and unseen ending. I think you'll like it.
2006-10-03 12:19:32
answer #5
answered by kahuna382000 3
i went to catch it at cinema and liked it. but when i saw it on tv recently i thought it was definetely worth watching again. some cool freaks that do scare you. stay away from 1000 corpses and The Devil's Rejects though.
SAW 1 and 2 were really good and disturbing too. don't you just love it?
2006-09-27 04:52:46
answer #6
answered by florence 4
I liked it, it's cheesy scary rather serious scary but surely that's the whole point! My best advice would be to watch it whilst slightly drunk, it definitely enhances the experience! I watched two days ago (even though I've seen it before) and I still found it fun..........
2006-09-27 04:56:44
answer #7
answered by samdawsoniow 3
It's ok, it has you squirming in your seat a couple times. It's worth a watch but it'll never go down in history for being one of the best horrors/thrillers
2006-09-27 04:08:18
answer #8
answered by mother knowledge 3
I bought it to see Eliza...the movie is for ones taste. Still...I watch it every now and then.
2006-09-27 04:49:25
answer #9
answered by sunnyboy 3
Great film but anything with Eliza dashiki in is going to be good in my books!!!! don't get part two as its crap!!! see no Eliza dashiki crap film!!!
2006-10-02 21:41:45
answer #10
answered by aka.fifth 1