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regarding 9-11

Who do you blame for the attacks on 9-11
1...Bill Clinton
2...George Bush
4...The system (when no agency shared information with any other agency) needed changing-renovating

Your thoughts on the interview (did former President Clinton seem to be under the influence of...).

2006-09-26 19:54:04 · 3 answers · asked by marnefirstinfantry 5 in News & Events Other - News & Events

3 answers

How many times must this be repeated? It was the fault of the terrorists flying the planes! Bill Clinton was just being Bill Clinton, full of BS and wagging his finger and making excuses. George Bush is doing his best I'm sure, but has way too many people fighting against him to be effective. "The system" will always be warring tribes of bureaucrats trying to do as little work as possible and blaming everyone else for their failures. The only way terrorism may truly be inhibited is to establish a hardcore police state, but then the government becomes the terrorists. So we're screwed either way. But 9-11 can be blamed on none other than the evil men who committed those evil acts.

2006-09-26 20:59:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

EVERY statement Clinto made was factually wrong.

Chief of the CIA Bin Laden desk said Clinto had 8-10 chances to kill UBL. Clinton/Albright/Berger turned down 6 or 7 chances and gave Pakistan a warning of the cruise missiles many hours in advance on the other chances.

Richard Clarke was not demoted by Bush. Clarke's memoirs say Clarke requested reassignment.

Of the missile attacks Clinton made only one Republican official criticized it, according to Lexis/Nexis. Republican criticism was exactly the opposite, calliing for more.

Once again Clinton doesn't know Truth from Fiction unless it comes from a poll.

2006-09-27 03:12:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anthony M 6 · 0 1

Too much dubbie is going around... Stop blaming... Let's clear up our own doorsteps first

2006-09-27 03:08:06 · answer #3 · answered by tracey s 3 · 0 0

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