We have a plan.
If elected into Congress in November, we will slowly start withdrawing troops and have an international conference towards the end of the year.
I support it. It's time we try something new.
2006-09-26 15:07:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well for starters we will get the losers out... (Bush and his Cornie's) Put people with some brains and plans. People who plan and not react. Just like how it was done when the Democrates balanced the budget. Did you all know there has only been two times our budget has been balanced and both times were when the Democrates where in charge..Clinton and Kennedy. If we say any more as how to deal with the war on terror you Republicans will steal our plans just like how the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen.
Remember the saying ..if it is not working any more..pitch it and get a new one. Things have gotten worse!!! Not better.
2006-09-26 22:26:34
answer #2
answered by RORO 2
The job Bush is doing on this War Of Terror at this point is irrelevent. We are in a darned if we do or darned if we don't situation. Regardless of which political leader ends this war...the economy is absolutly done for. Personally, I would like to hope soldiers would choose poverty over death, so my plan would be to bring them home.
I would also imagine that the democratic leader wouldn't demand that we let Bin Ladin go in effort to have a reason to go to war...but I could be wrong, cuz I never would have thought Bush would have done that and...ummmm, well you know the rest of the story.
2006-09-26 22:16:35
answer #3
answered by eyellnevrtell 4
#1 = divide Iraq into three parts. One for the Kurds, one for the Sunnis, and one for the Shiites. Move all US forces to the Kurdish region and establish our permanent bases in the region. Pour our development money into The Kurdish Republic of Iraq. They want our assistance and we can make their nation a model in the region especially if we spend the money were wasting on the rest of Iraq. Let the Sunnis and Shiites kill one another with gleeful abandon.
#2 = Move 50,000 more troops from Iraq (where they will no longer be killed daily by IED's) and put them into work in Afghanistan. Give Karzai the assistance he is begging for to make a real pseudo democracy. The warlords will have to placated, but if the incentives for themselves are powerful enough, they will work with what propose and the Taliban will be no more.
#3 Process all the detainees in Gitmo (just empty Abu Grahib and let mix with the rest of the crazies in Sunni held Iraq.) Put to death immediately those detainees proven to have performed acts of terrorism. Free those who are just caught up in our dragnet. Oh stop the torture nonsense.
#4 = Strengthen the Intelligence agencies and the FBI to shoulder much more of a burden in the war on terror. Terrorism is a criminal act and should be fought like any other crime. Bring in specially trained, covert US special forces to do the heavy work of killing and eliminate terrorist cells throughout the world in cooperation with Interpol and our Nato Allies. Their soldiers need real world combat experience as well. These activities remain clandestine as they are today, we just greatly expand them.
#5 Send the Guard home and have them complete the wall between the US and Mexico.
#6 Put forward a national initiative to create a new automobile engine fueled by something other than gas or ethanol...something entirely new that we invent and we control and the rest of the world only wishes they had. Let Big Oil have ownership of the technology so that they can continue to be rich and they will support it all the way.
#7 under no circumstances, destroy our natural resources in Alaska and other places for the short term oil fix. It's time to go cold turkey and beat the addiction. We said we would go to the moon and we did. We can do this too.
#8 Once we can relax our oil dependency, sever relations with Venezuela, and any other country that thinks we are some sort of chump. Enough is enough already. The world always seems to want American aid...make them earn it.
#9 get every American possible out of the Middle East. Let the Arabs forget about us and go back to killing one another. They will if you just give them the chance. The only thing they hate worse than Americans is each other.
#10 Worry more about America and less about other places. We have enough poverty, crime, and home grown terror to last us several decades.
It's time to go to work.
2006-09-26 22:39:30
answer #4
answered by KERMIT M 6
First, we need to finish the job in Afghanistan. Put more troops there to help end the Al-Qaeda supporting Taliban once and for all. Coerce the Pakistanis into actually doing something for once and allowing US troops to enter Pakistan's mountain regions to hunt for Bin Laden himself. Fund pro-American, anti-extremist humanitarian aid, programming and advertisements in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Oman, Qatar, Yemen, Lebanon etc... to help change prevailing views of the United States in those countries. Properly appropriate Homeland security dollars to states with the highest risk of attack. Honestly, an f'ing mule show in Indiana is NOT at more risk than the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, the Golden Gate Bridge or LAX. Focus on vigilance while still holding sacred Americans' right not to be spied on by their own government.
2006-09-26 22:10:31
answer #5
answered by Owen 5
They do not seem to have a plan. If they do, hmmm, let's hear it. Oh wait, they'll probably apologize to everyone around the world for their shortcomings. That will play right in the hands of the terrorists. They want their religion to be THE religion of the world. Maybe another 9/11 might wake them up. God willing it won't and it will show how the President IS doing a good job. Although his immigration policy is yet to be desired. There are cells that are creeping through our own borders and I pray that "now" they'll not only be monitored but dealt with.
2006-09-26 22:13:51
answer #6
answered by patrioticpeladac 4
do you guys take turns asking this question? I don't feel like going into specifics on the same question every day...
but it would be more or less going after the countries named in the 9-11 report and leaving those that were not named (IRAQ) alone... focusing on bin Laden with 100 times more pressure than Bush has used...
2006-09-26 22:08:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
OOOO! They're going to have a conference. Gosh, I bet that really ends terrorism for good, don't you? I wonder if they will be giving out hugs and flowers and this "conference?" They'll be talking about how terrorists should stop killing people while the terrorists are out there killing people. Let's hope more than ever that they don't get elected in November now!
2006-09-26 22:10:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you are such an authority on getting the facts straight, let's play fair and hear your strategy.....we know Bush has only enraged the whole jihadist's movement by occupying Iraq (which had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11?????????)
2006-09-26 22:37:34
answer #9
answered by Cassie 5
We are being brainwashed and lied to. It's not a "war on terror" or "fighting for freedom". It's really about THIS!...
2006-09-27 10:47:49
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
round up all the prowar arab hating republicans and give them desert boots and tell them to go get to work cleaning up this mess they caused. (make sure to include the draft dodgers in washington and their kids) And then let the Real Generals command the war instead of the holy born again jesus warriors.
And to top ramen; Don't you think the rest of the world is getting tired of the US making a big mess and then wanting it cleaned up by the people who said not to do it to start with? I think they are!
2006-09-26 22:18:57
answer #11
answered by Anonymous