When it comes to having a baby, nothing is normal. I've had three of them, and each one was different. As long as you are in contact with your doctor, and you are being as specific with them as you are with us, then I'd trust them. I didn't have contractions for one week, but I did start dialating very early on. I literally walked around at 3 and 4 cm for several weeks, so when I did go into labor, it was super quick. My longest labor has been 2 hours and 15 minutes, and I mean that is from first contraction to pushing the baby out. So, do what your doctor says and keep in mind that what you are doing now is probaly going to help your actual labor be easier. Good Luck!!!
2006-09-26 14:29:10
answer #1
answered by Mom of 3 3
The yellow spots could be urine, it could be discharge, it could be parts of your mucous plug. At that stage in pregnancy you can be a tad incontinent and not know it, also your body will create a lot more leukorrhea which can appear stark white to an almost greenish yellow. (Green is bad by the way.) If you were actually leaking amniotic fluid, your doctor would have told you to go to the hospital because labor and delivery would be imminent. If you notice gushes of fluid when you sit down, or when you shift to the side, or even when you stand up, then I'd say it's amniotic fluid. Once that bag of water has broken, there's not much else you can do other than go to the hospital. When your contractions get to about 4 minutes apart then you need to go in whether your water has broken or not. Good luck honey, you'll be fine. =)
2006-09-26 14:30:22
answer #2
answered by jenpeden 4
It is normal! I just had my girl <3 months ago. I had what are called braxton hicks contractions starting week 21, all the way until I delivered. During the last few weeks, they were quite uncomfortable, but trust me--- you will definitely know the difference between these false labor contractions and the real thing.... Oh, and if your discharge were amniotic fluid it would be very runny like water- and virtually no smell. Also your body naturally produces more mucous secretions close to delivery to lubricate the birth canal. I too thought I was in labor about 34 weeks, they kept me for observation for several hours, but it was false-despite having 10 contractions over about an hour. Try having something light to eat and drink lots of water. Dehydration can cause preterm labor.
2006-09-26 14:30:17
answer #3
answered by Katherine H 2
Sorry but I dont think this is normal. If you were in preterm labor you should be watched by Dr. more carefully. Go to the hospital. They deal with this stuff all the time. I was leaking fluid. or so I thought, at about 34 weeks and i went to the hospital just in case. they tested and it wasnt amniotic fluid. This could be urine you are leaking, but won't you feel better to get advice from a professional after they see and check you out? This is your baby you are protecting.
2006-09-26 14:31:14
answer #4
answered by pink9364 5
The yellow spots on your pad could just be mucus. As for the contractions I would watch them but the doc is probably right. If they get closer together and gradually increase in strength I would start timing them. Your baby at 37 weeks is safe to be born so relax and get some sleep if you can before the real action starts.
2006-09-26 14:30:54
answer #5
answered by montanagal2108 1
Amniotic fluid is clear, not yellowish. The yellow spots are either your mucous plug coming out in pieces or urine. It would still be worth talking to your doctor about to be safe especially if you do start to leak. Once your bag of water breaks your baby is at risk for infection so it's better to be on the safe side.
2006-09-26 14:31:55
answer #6
answered by aliza1999 3
During my first pregnancy I had leaked amniotic fluid but did not know that was what it was until I went to the dr and he did a test to see if it really was amniotic fluid. It is like a test strip that they can insert into your vagina and it will turn a certain color if the fluid really is amniotic fluid. Maybe you should have this test run just to be safe and for your own piece of mind.
2006-09-26 14:32:06
answer #7
answered by sweetshellybelle 1
well u could be dialating which is okay, i was 2 centimeters for my last 2 mos. and was contracting but the doctor said at 2 cent. you're not really in active labor, but if u're leaking fluid u should go in that was one thing they told me.
2006-09-26 14:30:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
with my second child, i felt a small gush, like if you sneeze and pee yourself, i had the mild contractions that were bout 8 - 10 min apart... needless to say, when i got to the hospital i found out i was leaking fluid and they admitted me... maybe you should go in the a.m. if you still feel like your leaking. because if you are, you dont want to risk infection. good luck
2006-09-26 14:28:56
answer #9
answered by babiepooh13 2
Watch the leakage. The pads were a great idea! Braxton-Hicks is the term for the "labor pains" you may be experiencing. They are normal and it is just your uterus "practicing" for real labor. Good luck, honey!
2006-09-26 14:27:36
answer #10
answered by KathieJo 5