No it is not a big deal in not taking them when I was pregnant I would take them every day for the first month or two then just the smell of them would make me feel so sick so I stopped taking them and my son is fine.
2006-09-26 13:08:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I was vomiiting a lot, about 6 times a day, til I was about 16-17 weeks. But because your getting rid of all the food your baby needs, prenatals would be a good thing to get down. There are lots of different kinds, maybe you should try a different brand, I found one that works, called PreCare Premier in a pink box, and they also gave me energy which I lacking a lot of, and stopped my nausea. But the sicky feelings should go away soon, hopefully, make sure you take them with food, or before bed. And congratulations on your pregnancy.
2016-03-18 01:42:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'm pregnant too, and I'm at 2 months. I just started taking prenatal vitamins. I don't think you need to worry too much as long as you're trying to do every day. I know those things taste horrible and it definetely does not help the nausea, but I try to swallow them with a fruit juice and have something to eat as soon as I swallow it, if that helps any. Good luck.
2006-09-26 13:04:26
answer #3
answered by freakkittie1313 1
Just like some other women on here, I have yet to have taken any prenatal vitamins. I am 35 wks. Hopefully it doesn't effect me or the baby too much. Everything is fine, so far anyways. They made me sick too. And they smelled funny!
2006-09-26 13:21:59
answer #4
answered by Vennessa 2
My prenatals also made me sick.
My OB prescribed Premesis, a prenatal especially for women who experience nausea with regular ones. It has the B6 and folic acid you need, but not much extra stuff to mess with your stomach. I found that it helped.
I had anemia later in my pregnancies, but I didn't want to take extra iron. (I figured that I was tired out anyway, anemia or no, but I wasn't constipated and I didn't want to be!) An adequate iron level was important for me, though, because my babies had to be born via C-section, so I talked to my doctor about it. She agreed to let me go a few weeks making a serious, concerted effort to eat well and to pay particular attention to iron-rich foods. And she'd recheck my iron level in a few weeks. If it was OK, great: I just had to keep eating in a thoughtful way. If it dropped, then I'd try the supplements. But diet alone worked just fine.
So talk to your doctor. He/she can help. And you have other options.
2006-09-26 14:44:59
answer #5
answered by Yarro Pilz 6
ok...I know that someone out there is going to disagree with me, so let me word this correctly...IN MY OPINION, no it won't be a big deal if you can't take them every day. I am not a health care professional, however, I AM the mother of three, healthy beautiful children whom I DID NOT take prenatal vitamins with. My kids were all over 21 inches long, and they weighed 8lb 7 oz, 8 lb 11 oz, and 8 lb 15 oz. I gave birth to butter ball turkeys, and they all had APGAR scores of 10. No problems. My vitamins made me horribly sick, to the point where I couldn't even eat because I would throw up. As long as you are taking care of yourself nutritionally, you should be fine, but I am going to tell you this so I don't contradict myself. Talk to your doctor before completely stopping. I don't know any of the details of your pregnancy, and if it is a normal one, this shouldn't be as big a problem as you think. Good luck, God bless, and congratulations on your new baby :)
2006-09-26 13:01:04
answer #6
answered by pamalamadingdong_1 2
No its not gonna hurt you not to take them.Please do talk with your Dr so maybe they could prescribe something different for you.Also Flintstones vitamins work well to.I'm pregnant with my 3rd and for the first 2 months I was sick all day long.Anything I ate or would drink came right back up. I started taking mine at night it really does help.Good luck and congrats.
2006-09-26 13:18:04
answer #7
answered by ang3lzfir3_99 2
Millions of women face infertility. If you are having trouble getting pregnant or staying pregnant, you are not alone. The good news is that many women with fertility problems go on to have babies.
Whether you are dealing with infertility or are a concerned partner, friend, or family member, you may have many questions. Here are the answers to some questions people commonly ask about infertility and there is a special method to follow to be able to get pregnant faster!
See more at:
2014-10-08 09:51:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It could be the high iron content in them. Talk to your midwife or Dr.
You should be okay for a little while without them, especially if you eat a balanced diet but it's a great idea to take them daily if you can.
Have you tried a children's chewable mulit-vitamin? That might be easier to handle for a while.
2006-09-26 13:02:12
answer #9
answered by Girl named Sue 4
Take two Flinstones vitamins you'll get the same nutritional value as prenatal vitamins.
2006-09-26 18:13:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous