Well, my love, isn't it great that we live in the 21st century?
Go talk to him about school, classes, things that he likes and enjoys and if things go well, you can ask him if he'd like to go to a movie sometime.
Good Luck!
2006-09-26 11:23:22
answer #1
answered by RT 4
Take time to get to know him better and spend time with him more, because the more that you spend time together you can then watch for the signs to see whether or not you should make a move. I would play it safe and just see if he does little things like touch your hand or flirt with you to make you feel good, does he complement you and want to do things for you. these are signs of a guy who is interested. If he is not you will know.
2006-09-26 18:24:01
answer #2
answered by Swimming cutie24 3
Don't rush...enjoy the friendship. Get to know as much as you can about him. If he continues to act favorable yet does not commit, try subtle ways to show your affection. You may say "you know...I really like" and study his reactions. Be prepared though, to accept reality if his intentions are just Platonic.
2006-09-26 18:27:36
answer #3
answered by Robere 5
I think you should just stay friends for now (but hey why do you care what I think) anyway you could ask him out if you want but if he says no or you you break up the friendship would be awkward. you have to ask yourself, are you willing to gamble your friendship?
good luck
2006-09-26 18:42:14
answer #4
answered by Simple Plan Fan 3
Invite him to go to a coffehause with you or something or just straight up ask him if he'd like to go with you somewhere. Believe it or not women who take charge like that get our attention. You will never know unless you ask.
2006-09-26 18:38:13
answer #5
answered by Crossroads Keeper 5
You can either tell him you like him and risk rejection, or be content just being his friend. Are you a risky person?? When it comes to love......I AM!!!!!
2006-09-26 18:23:57
answer #6
answered by GrownAndSexy 2
i have the same problem what i did was asked him if he had a girl he does but we still flirt with each other
2006-09-26 18:23:59
answer #7
answered by cc 1
well were in the same pickle and im just afraid it will mess up my friendship
2006-09-26 18:26:59
answer #8
answered by Sarah B 1
ask one of your friends to sak him if he likes you then if he says yes then ask him out
2006-09-26 18:23:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous