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2006-09-26 10:07:09 · 7 answers · asked by emoryguy06 2 in Business & Finance Investing

7 answers

I'm going to presume which to use as opposed to which to invest in.

There are a lot of good brokererages depending on what you like and how you trade.

Barron's has a good article on brokerages that they publish each year.

For basic stuff, E*Trade, Ameritrade, and Scotttrade are sufficient. For more complex trades, I'd recommend Optionsxpress, ThinkorSwim, or interactivebrokers.

Brokerages like Fidelity are horrible for anyone with any decent experience.

Anyways, if you have any questions, let me know.

Hope that helps!

2006-09-29 15:52:37 · answer #1 · answered by Yada Yada Yada 7 · 1 0

You don't tell us your level of expertise, how much you will trade (Day Trade or Investor), how much money you will invest or are willing to spend or any real specifics. But you want the "best", that would probably be TradeStation; too expensive to begin.

Whoever answers this question, will give you the broker that they have settled on and now use. But their criteria are different than yours, and you don't tell us what yours are.

Whether you are trading stocks, commodities, futures, options, or all of these, TerraNova is the only one that you can trade everything, real time, online, direct access. A lot of online brokerages claim to give you direct access, but if they take more than a second to execute your trade, it ain’t direct.

Find the articles online that have evaluated and compared online brokerages. I found a good one online in Barron's, but you'll find others in the trading magazines.

This is worth putting a little time and effort into, because it's a pain to switch, so once you choose, you're kinda stuck with it.

Townsend Electronics, the Parent company of TerraNova, is the one that digitized and electronified the Nasdaq. They are technological industry leaders and have a powerful and well built trading system.

I use RealTick at TerraNovaOnline, but it costs $275/mo. I think the Investor package is free to use, and just uses one screen.

What you should try is a free trial of their Investor platform, which is free. You only get one window to trade from. Their rates are good also, but of course, it depends on how often you trade. It will take you months to learn all the bells and whistles of what this program can do.

TerraNova is the home of the Day Trader, so they think nothing of you making several hundred trades a day. You don't have to do that, but it's okay here if you do.

2006-09-26 18:33:31 · answer #2 · answered by dredude52 6 · 0 0

It rather depends on what you are looking for in on line brokers.

Scott trade is among the least expensive.

Fidelity was highest rated premium on line broker.

TD Ameratrade has an easy site to navigate, much easier than Fidelity.

2006-09-26 10:37:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Scott Trades, BAR NONE... I used them for a pair of years previously I have been given clever and became my bills over to the pros. Scott is $7 consistent with commerce purely as they promote and that they have got over 250 community workplaces the place you could bypass in to talke to somebody in my view to boot as somebody to call on the telephone if the procuring and merchandising get's worrying and you prefer to get a commerce in which you will not do on line. i in my view like Scott... recommend them rather.

2016-12-18 17:30:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Scott Trade. I think they have the lowest fees and are reputable.

2006-09-26 10:14:57 · answer #5 · answered by kt 2 · 0 0

mayne Bentley

2006-09-28 23:54:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2006-09-26 10:26:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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