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Tony Blairs Farewell speech, Can anyone tell me who is Strong enough to take over from him, personally i think he should stay as leader, this country as not got anyone as good as him... What are your thoughts

2006-09-26 08:45:48 · 34 answers · asked by david.cawood@btinternet.com 2 in Politics & Government Government

34 answers

I think Tony Blair is a terrific person and am very disappointed by the treatment he's received.

2006-09-26 08:47:35 · answer #1 · answered by Coop 3 · 2 5

Tony Blair is one of the Worst PMs ever.

Really, he just is, if you'd listened to the news ever in the last decade I wouldn't need to explain, but things he buggered up:

NHS - In debt
Military - Overstretched and poorly funded, but still having funding and numbers cut to save money.
Iraq War - No win situation, the second we leave civil war will come and we'll all be back where we started
Education - None of his policies have had any good effects in this area
Police force - Overwhelmed by bureaucracy and political correctness
Public services - steadily getting poorer
Immigration - Too many to handle. Causing massive overpopulation in the south, which in turn was the main cause of the recent drought we had here.

All of these things have got drastically worse since he came to power.

And lets not forget the way he's handled the EU, so that our courts can be overruled in Brussels by people with little knowledge of British Law who we have no say about.

And the 'special relationship' with the US. Nothing bad in theory, but he does everything the US says, even when it is a matter which only affects Britain, and we've got nothing in return as yet.

The Tories got more votes than Labour in the last election, but because of the way the constituencies lie Labour still ended up with a majority.

He refuses to give areas which always vote Tory, like the south, elected regional assemblies, whereas the places which don't vote Tory get to vote on who goes in. He gave the Scots a Parliament, the Welsh an Assembly but refuses to let the English have the same rights. In all respects he's completely undemocratic and corrupt (cash for peerages anyone?)

He just has no balls. He's all spin and all substance. Almost everything has gone down in standards since he came to power, a lot directly due to his meddling.

The only reason him leaving is bad is because Brown will be worse.

2006-09-26 11:59:40 · answer #2 · answered by AndyB 5 · 1 0

No, as an English person, I don't think its a sad day at all. Its been a sad day since he has been elected. He has increased taxes so much, without the services improving. Crime is at an all time high; the NHS is failing so much that staff have to be made redundant and therefore services are suffering; education remains poor; the justice system is a joke; the prisons are overflowing; the amount of immigrants in our country benefiting from handouts, council houses, etc.

So, why the hell should he stay as leader? So, he can run more of us into the ground. I think we need a real person to run the country, not someone who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Someone who has common sense (that would be novelty for a politician!) and someone who thinks for themselves and isn't the lapdog for George W "thicko" Bush.

2006-09-26 23:11:18 · answer #3 · answered by GayAtheist 4 · 0 0

Guess, Tony Blair's farewell is a good riddance. Sadly, there may not be anyone who's ABOVE his calibre, but then again the General Election is yet a long way to so, so I'd have thought we should see rather positive side of Tory in this coming time.

I wouldn't have mind him being whatsoever bad with British domestic policies, but what brassed me off the most is the fact that he INSULTED the entire intelligent species of BRITS, by "following" Bush's idiotic policies. Guess his brain must've taken a leave out of his skull when he decided to be Bush's poodle.

How dare him DEGRADING us Brits by being a follower of someone as pathetic as Bush !!!

I've NOT even a pittance of respect whatsoever for Tony B-LIAR, as I hold him entirely responsible for TARNISHING the image of Brits.

In addition, what interests him & his party most is finding faults with the PAST government & finger-pointing others, rather than using their brain in identifying their own achivement (if there's any).

I often wonder, what's so "labour" about the "Labour" government, since the real "labour" like myself struggles to keep the roof over our head (provided they can afford one in first place), while the "able-bodied" Chavs & Johny Foreigners quite comfortably milks the system while the pensioners, a group of people I highly respect & deeply feel sympathetic towards, regardless of surviving from TWO Wars & paying their taxes lifelong, are dying, either out of starvation or purely cos of the lack of "resources".

Why should THESE people be neglected while someone fresh off the plane could easily expect a life on the lap of luxury ???

However, bad he gets treated by his own party, I'm sure he TRUELY DESERVES it & even worst would left me rather ecstatic.

I'm often uncomfortable with criticising others, but in case of Tony Blair & Labour, I'll make an exception.

2006-09-26 09:18:11 · answer #4 · answered by j4mes_bond25 2 · 2 0

I shall be pleased to see Mr Blair go as I cannot trust him anymore to put our Country's concerns before his own. However, I don't think that the Chancellor is not the right man to lead the labour party either, although he seems to be good at his current job. If the Conservatives can get their act together in time I think that they will probably get into power at the next election, but even the Lib Dems. will be better than the Labour Party in my opinion as long as they can get a more positive leader than their current stop-gap Leader.

2006-09-26 09:03:58 · answer #5 · answered by blondie 6 · 2 0

Tony and George have brought a civil war to Iraque and Afghanistan in the name of democracy. The West is now making money from their countries' natural resources. Our soldiers have tortured their citizens and Blair and Bush did not have an effective plan to deal with the aftermath of their actions. Their rushed invasions led to the stability of the Middle East disappearing and the Muslim world is in uproar.

It will take years to mend the international frictions and those two are responsible for this. Blair's righteous speeches and the referrals to his Christian beliefs he uses as a justification for his actions make me want to throw up!

2006-09-26 08:59:33 · answer #6 · answered by Hipira 3 · 1 1

I think the whole situation, and the way it was done is appalling! I, like most people, want a change of Government,but the way Freaky Gordon went about things was disgraceful. I for one certainly hope HE does NOT become leader,he's proved to be worse then Blair! Who should, or could lead? John Reid ? Much better to change the lot of them!

2006-09-26 09:19:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

My thoughts are you need help. If you feel Blair who lied and sleazed his way for 9 years should stay what chance has the honest man got. So if everyone else in the country is not as good as him we are pretty bad. Blondie I am sad for you if you feel Bush and Blair both liars and warmonger's are the best around.

2006-09-26 09:15:38 · answer #8 · answered by deadly 4 · 2 0

Sad day for Bliar but a good day for a country that has buckled under his leadership and the dilution of the indigenous population along with the 300 stealth taxes he has brought in. That and the sale of the nations assets, the ruination of our farming, the push for a secular nation, the destruction of Christianity, the down grading of the nuclear family, the decline in education, the ever increasing council tax, the tax payers having to pay 25% of the council tax to pay for public workers pensions, the decrease in private and state pensions, the increase in retirement age (apart from public workers, they can go at 55 years on full pension), the increased crime wave, the disinterested police force, the destruction of the NHS, the lack of NHS dentists. Where do you want me to stop? Anybody that lauds Bliar must be shortsighted or a lot dumb, probably educated in one of his poor performing schools. The sooner he goes the better. Who do you think has created the acts of terrorism, Bliar with his flawed invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, a mess he can't get out of unless we have a shameful running out of the two countries as did America when they ran from Vietnam with their tails between their legs.

2006-09-26 09:04:33 · answer #9 · answered by tucksie 6 · 4 0

I can't stand the Labour Party and Tony Blair in particular. I can't wait for him to leave do that I will not have to see him grinning on television again. My only concerns are that I don't think Gordon Brown is any different or that there is any credible opposition.

2006-09-26 08:50:09 · answer #10 · answered by ? 5 · 4 0

Ur kidding right? Blair and Labour are the most incompetent government we've had in g^d knows how long.
What is the greatest dissapointment is that no one can fix labour and the Tories and Lib Dems are not much better.
Britain is pretty much screwed from this point onwards.

2006-09-26 09:01:01 · answer #11 · answered by Knight-wing 3 · 2 0

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