I think you should be a gracious, mature girlfriend and wish him a good time. What exactly do you think you should be mad about? Isn't he allowed off this chain for a couple of days? What happens if you want to go somewhere with your good friend without him?
Getting mad sounds both silly and immature. Is that how you want your boyfriend to think of you when he's away? Be happy for him.
PS I've been to Amsterdam- it's not such a big deal.
2006-09-26 08:29:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If he's going with a friend and they are making it a friend thing (the friend is a boy right?) then it Will be OK. Just tell him to pick you up some souvenirs and stuff. Put it the other way around and a friend of your invited you for a trip and it was just the "girls" do you think he'd be mad, and would you still go???
2006-09-26 08:30:33
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Expect the worst and the worst will happen.
Expect nothing and don't be surprised it nothing happens either.
Anyone with a mature attitude towards Amsterdam will also take time to not only see everything and experience the beauty of the city in itself, but also see the not so good about it as well without taking part in it. As an observer only, chances are most would only do that- observe.
2006-09-26 08:29:26
answer #3
answered by snorkelman_37 5
Are you mad that he's going to Amsterdam or that he's going away without you? I can't imagine that the city is the problem in this situation ... unless you think he's going for the purpose of getting laid with a hooker - and then there's a different problem ...
2006-09-28 20:14:22
answer #4
answered by nikkyb_127 2
Girl I would be mad too. At him and his friend!! I mean it's been 3 years. But since he is going, trust him... Don't make yourself miserable over it and while he's away have fun. Catch up with you friends, treat your self to nice things. Just Don't stay home, HAVE FUN TOO!!! While the cat is away the mice will play!!! Or is it While the DOG is away the kitty will play!?! But you get it!!!
2006-09-26 08:32:01
answer #5
answered by Sissy Girl 3
I don't think u should be mad sometimes u need space from each other just to miss each other and remember how much u love each other. I wish my man would go somewhere and get outta my hair once in a while.
2006-09-26 08:28:01
answer #6
answered by MELISSA 3
You obviously don't trust him. Give it up. He's going w/a friend. Can he screw it up? Yes. Will he? Only you know him but if he's been with you 3 yrs and you don't trust him, it's time to give up the relationship for good because you never will trust him for a lifetime commitment.
2006-09-26 08:30:46
answer #7
answered by snddupree 5
My guess is he's going to take viagra and screw everything in sight once he gets in the red light district. Why else would guys plan a trip there?
2006-09-26 08:33:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It's just a vacation, there is nothing to it. I think your just upset that you wont be spending time together. Maybe this a good time to take your own vacation with your friends or do something that you've been wanting to do on your own.
2006-09-26 08:29:41
answer #9
answered by Kitty Cat 4
My brother and his wife have always taken separate vacations. He likes to take fishing trips to Mexico with the guys and she like to take cruises with her mom and aunt. It depends on the two of you and the relationship you have. Why does it bother you? Do you trust him or you don't want to be without him?
2006-09-26 08:29:37
answer #10
answered by smartypants909 7