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are fighting for your freedoms? You ask such stupid, hateful questions because you think that you are making digs at the President. It's direspectful to my nephew and the other men and women that have the guts to go stand up for the rights of ALL American citizens. So remember the next time you make a smart *** remark about the President it's not him you are really cutting down, it's the people who are fighting for your rights.

2006-09-26 07:21:46 · 20 answers · asked by Only hell mama ever raised 6 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

I know exactly what my nephew is fighting for.

2006-09-26 07:31:03 · update #1

You don't see freedom's LMAO. Melly uh like do you have to cover your face with a rag over here because you are in ferior to men. Or let's see, has anyone threatened to chop off your head in a school play ground for accusations of adultery? Watch Christine Amanpor's documentary on Iraqi women then tell me about your lack of freedoms.

2006-09-26 07:35:05 · update #2

Some of you are just killing me you ask what freedom. Where do you think you live. You have freedom. Forget it it's a losing battle. God bless the people who get and God help the ones who don't.

2006-09-26 07:53:17 · update #3

20 answers

it is much worse this time, but I got asked why I went and "fought for oil" in Desert Shield/Storm. I didn't fight for oil. First if the majority of the populace weren't such ignorant, lazy, worthless slugs and so dependent for oil based technology, then a big part of the problem would go away. But, very few accomplish so very much for the society as a whole, the rest of society is comprised mostly of leeches. Anyway, the real reason I was glad to go fight a over a decade ago is because some yutz got a burr up his *ss and decided that he needed more elbow room. So, he went and tried to takeover his neighbor's property. Funny, but 60 years ago, there was this other guy who wanted elbow room. He was given some and then militarily took more anyway. He was deluded and wanted it all, too. For those of you who are too stupid to figure it out, I am referring to Hitler being given the Sudetanland by Chamberlain then launching the beginning of WWII anyway.
So, about 16 years ago, I go off with my "weekend warrior" unit to a place called Saudi Arabia--with some minor side excursions to a place called Iraq. That weekend turned out to be almost 8 months long. [Never could get the hang of military time :P]
Talk about culture shock. No one who hasn't first hand experienced what some people in this world go through will ever truly appreciate things US citizens take for granted.
Call our President anything you want as loudly as possible on a very public crowded street corner. And, then go home and get a nice relaxed sleep. Why? Cause you know no "secret police" are going to be making you "disappear" in the middle of the night.
If you're a woman, you can go WHEREVER THE HELL YOU WANT TO in the US. They can't in most Muslim countries. And, wherever they do go, they don't really exist. They are treated as sub humans. Think of a toyota pickup, a smaller one, not the full size. Give it an extended cab. You know stretch it all of 8 inches for more storage room behind the seat. Not a crew cab with four doors and seats, just an extended cab. Now, picture "dad" driving with "Junior" in the passenger seat. "Mom" and, once I saw 3, "daughters" in the back extended area. They didn't rate a ride up front. They're not important enough. Don't say it was cause "Junior": was up front, he was all of maybe 3 years old.
Even this forum would not be allowed in certain countries. Freedom of speech and expression is something "We the People" take for granted therefore not realising how truly valuable it is. But, because we exercise it someties a little too much and from a too uninformed viewpoint, it can hurt.
So, for the Asker:
No, some people cannot task their brains with anything more complicated than turning oxygen into carbon dioxide and putting sustenance into their orifices. They can only be critics of others since they are too stupid to go do what the others have done, like become President of our nation. [ For all the critics, get off your *** and get elected. Oh yeah, you're too occupied respirating, sorry didn't mean to interrupt.]
Tell your nephew thanks for signing the dotted line and answering his country's call for assistance.

Oh yeah, please do not use the term "smart *** remarks" when referring to what some people tell you. The correct terminology is either "dumber'n sh*t" or "dumb *ss" or "ignorant". And the people can be refered to as a "rock"--like "dumb as a".
Have a good one.

2006-09-26 09:02:14 · answer #1 · answered by quntmphys238 6 · 0 0

by NO means would making a smart A## remark about the president have anything to do with how I feel about the military and all their hard work. I respect and honor ever last one of them they are all heros in my book (my cousin is over there now) however I don't believe that what a person's views might be on our *president* relect on anything more than their veiws on him....
Also not to be difficult by any means but do you really believe that every one in the military truly believes in EVERY word that our president says, I KNOW for a fact that they do - they are out there for many different reason some have nothing to do with the president and others do.

2006-09-26 07:35:12 · answer #2 · answered by TME 2 · 1 0

One of those freedoms that you think they are fighting for happens to be the right to criticise the president.

My Brother has been out there twice. I hope he wont have to go again. Hes had to lay down his life because your president has a grudge against saddam hussain. Its that simple. No WMDs, No Terrorist connections (until we stirred up a hornets nest). Meanwhile Good Ol George and Co get richer and richer off the back of higher oil prices.

Open your eyes! Here in the UK a lot of people are against the war, but all of us are behind the people fighting it. Because they are doing their duty, and we respect them. We dont respect the lies we were told that got us involved. This idea that you can't question the war or the president is just more of the sad american attitude of "if you ain't with us, you're agin' us!"
Grow up.

2006-09-26 07:33:42 · answer #3 · answered by agtfos 3 · 1 2

No, I'm sorry you are wrong. I respect all our troops and I want them home safely but I honestly cannot support a President who has lied about this war and the real reasons we are there. You should study all the facts, not just those expressed by the Democrats & Republicans, because their views will be for the benefit of their respective parties, but all the other facts about what led up to the war, etc. There have always been terroists but the ones coming from inside our own country scare me the most. God Bless our troops, but if they knew the whole truth, many would not have gone there..........

2006-09-26 07:28:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

As someone with a family history of U.S military service going back to the Revolutionary War, who spent 20 years on active duty from the tail end of Nam through Desert Storm, and whose daughter is now on active duty in the Navy, I have to ask, what qualifies you to tell us what constitutes respect for our country? This war is an unmittigated tactical, strategic, political, and economic disaster. Saddam had nothing to recommend him and the world will be a better place with him dead, but he had nothing to do with 9/11 and there were no weapons of mass destruction, and we knew this when we invaded. al-Qaeda, who had no presence in Iraq under Saddam, are now firmly entrenched, and unlike Saddam, they do have potential WMDs, supplied by Iran to use against us. Iraq is on the verge of Civil War, we have gone from a multi-billion dollar surplus to a multi-trillion dollar deficit, respect and support for the U.S. in general and Bush in particular is at an all time low, the body count has long since topped 3,000 with no end in sight, and what, precisely do we have to show for it? You would claim that it disrespectful to our troops to object to the pointless waste of their lives? I would say that not objecting would be saying that there lives were without value. There was a saying back in the 60s, it's considered stupid now, something I consider sad, "My country right or wrong, if it's right to keep it right, if it's wrong to make it right." It is the obligation of every U.S. citizen to make his voice heard. If we see something wrong, we must speak out, we must at least try to do something about it. The right to oppose government policy is fundamental to a free society, without it we might as well be living under Saddam.

2006-09-26 14:21:46 · answer #5 · answered by rich k 6 · 0 0

There is a difference between the President, and the soldiers that are willing to put their lives at risk in war. The first thing is, he's a COWARD and the troops are brave. I don't see him out fighting, I see him in a bunker if something bad happens. I know somebody who's son is in Iraq, and she says this war is pointless, and Bush is an IDIOT!!!!!!

2006-09-26 07:41:42 · answer #6 · answered by teddybear5686 1 · 0 1

I completely support our troops. I thank them every time I meet one. However, I do not support THIS President or his decisions and I do not agree that speaking out against this war is cutting down our troops. Viet Nam was stopped because enough people stood up and said we shouldn't be there. To save American lives, we must stay involved in the political process and not be afraid to speak our mind.

2006-09-26 07:32:03 · answer #7 · answered by loryntoo 7 · 2 1

Amen. I would add that the reason that Osama did 9-11 is because he saw that Bill Clinton did nothing after Al-Queda bombed the USS Cole. If we don't win in Iraq, the terror comes back to New York.

2006-09-26 07:25:13 · answer #8 · answered by stick man 6 · 2 0

I totally agree with you!!! People are only showing their immaturity by making those kind of holier than thou comments! They just need to grow up and not take for granted the kind of freedoms we have in this country!! It's only because of the bravery and sacrifices of our troops that they even have the freedom to make those kind of remarks!!

2006-09-26 07:32:05 · answer #9 · answered by Beth 3 · 2 0

Most of the people I see cutting the president down aren't aiming jabs at the people serving. They are questioning the reasons and rescources that have been used and squandered for this war. It's not disrespectul, it's called "Democracy" by the people and for the people. If you don't understand that, then you don't know exactly what your nephew is fighting for.

2006-09-26 07:26:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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