Because we are spoiled.
Unfortunately many of us are un-grateful as well.
2006-09-26 06:29:25
answer #1
answered by C 7
People who measure what they think they have and always come up wanting have lost the ability they were born with to be happy from connection to the right sourses. Happy is not about what you have it is about what you be. Most people think in terms of have, do, be.... that is... "If I had that then I could do this and then I would be happy".... the idea is to be, do, have....that is Be happy then do great things and then have fufillment.
Obsession with stuff is a sign of a young soul that has not realized that anything that can be taken from you, including your own life is not really real. Those things that can not be taken from you are the only real things in the universe.
2006-09-26 06:31:11
answer #2
answered by cammsters 2
Its because you are hooked on instant gratification. Enough is never enough. Its like a drug, you get high on the excitement of getting something new and/or prestigious. How do you free yourself from it? Just like any other addiction, just quit. Tell yourself you don't need it nor do you want it and go on enjoying what you have. Be content. Don't try to fill your void with material posessions because they don't fit and they never will.
2006-09-26 06:34:25
answer #3
answered by ignernt 3
Society makes us think we need more. Our desires make us think we need more. When actually, we're just looking for something to fulfill our lives. I mean, if you get a hi-fi stereo, you're gonna be happy! for a while, at least. What we all need is Jesus, 'cuz He's the one who can give us all we need! But we'll never stop wanting cool stuff until we learn to be content with what we have!
have a nifty day! :)
2006-09-26 06:30:21
answer #4
answered by sillysister4ever 3
severe high quality men are gruesome. while ladies say they desire character, what they actually propose is they desire a gentleman/severe high quality guy who's a 9/10 over an a "jerk" or "douche" (or despite little ones in recent times communicate with them as) who's a 9/10. They state a preferance in easy terms after a definite criterion has been met.
2016-10-18 00:28:43
answer #5
answered by lorentz 4
Hi Torn,
What freed me from the material was to actually experience being poor (completely down & out). When you're wondering how you're going to get through tomorrow, you become painfully aware of all the crap you've gathered over the years.
I sold most of the crap & let go of that way of thinking...the funny part was that the action of letting go bought more wealth into my life.
2006-09-26 06:46:11
answer #6
answered by Ivyvine 6
Because we are human are needs and wants are never satisfied. That is how the economic problem of scarcity came about.
Our needs and want are unlimited and the resources avaliable to supply them are limited.
2006-09-26 06:35:31
answer #7
answered by Osunwole Adeoyin 5
Rearrange your priorities...
If your house were on fire and you could grab just two things on the way out the door, knowing everything else would be lost, what would you grab? I bet neither one has a battery or an electrical cord...
2006-09-26 06:32:31
answer #8
answered by mama_bears_den 4
Try using immaterial stuff. Eat imaginary food, live in imaginary house. Real stuff matters.
2006-09-26 06:32:49
answer #9
answered by Roadkill 6
it is human nature to want to improve one's environment
2006-09-26 06:27:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous