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I move around all day, eat healthy, take vitamins, and my bed is really comfortable. Some nights I wake up about 3 times to go to the bathroom so I'm sure that doesn't help. Any tips for someone who is far off from being a morning person???

2006-09-26 04:40:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

4 answers

In addition to the previous answers about health issues...if you can't work a different schedule, try to get to bed the same time each night. No exercise about 3-4 hours before bedtime. No fluids/food 2-3 hours before bedtime so that your bladder or digestive system doesn't keep you up. Also, try to darken your room so no ambient light comes through.

2006-09-26 06:02:01 · answer #1 · answered by Thundercat 7 · 0 0

Stop drinking liquids about two hours before bedtime, that may help with those nightly visits to the bathroom. Other than that, some people just aren't morning people. I am one of those people too. My internal clock likes to stay up late at night, and sleep in till late in the morning. I am at my best when I work the pm shift. 3:30 to 11:00pm. Try working with your internal clock rather than fighting with it.

2006-09-26 05:07:18 · answer #2 · answered by Cynthia 5 · 0 0

you may want to tlak to your doctor and take some blood test you could be anemic. whic means your red blood cells are low. those blood cells give you energy, and sends oxygen to your brain. This article i pasted from kidshealth tells you all about anemia.I posted this articel beacsue it is easier to comprehend then the other sites. I hope this helps

2006-09-26 04:50:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i can relate to your problem i am the same @ night but my problem in that respect is related to my fibromyalgia might be something to look into

2006-09-26 04:53:16 · answer #4 · answered by northerntwist1 1 · 0 0

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