I've been married almost a year now, my husband and I have been living together for about 3 yrs........
I am a Christian, who is very into religion, My husband is a complete Athiest, he hates religion, Christianity and wants nothing to do with it..... can't stand even hearing about it.........
This is a tricky question...... it's something you need to take alot of thought and prayers into........ there are two verses in the bible that talk about this...... one is
2 Corinthians 6:14: "Do not be unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and lawlessness have in common? What fellowship has light with darkness?"
at the same time there is another verse, saying
"For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy."
--1 Corinthians, Chapter 7, Verse 14
in a relationship where one is christian and the other is not, there are bound to be hardships, and you'll need to be plenty ready to face them, i face them on a day to day basis, you need to decide if you are ready for that...... when the bible talks about the first verse, righteousness and lawlessness, how can light live with darkness, i don't see it as "Forbidding" it , i dont think god would forbid this relationship, but i think it's a warning to us, a warning of the struggles in that type of relationship...
there is a chance if the relationship was meant for you, that it will work out, there are people who have been married for 30 or more years with a non-christian, and one day after 28 yrs, they changed, having a relationship with a non-believer gives you the chance to witness to them, and might give you a chance to teach them and help them understand one day......
if you were to have kids, this is something that you will have to talk about, you need to make your bounderies known, and some things you will, or will not tolerate, especially with kids.....
for example, as a Christian, it is very important to me , more than anything, that i can teach my children about jesus, and bring them up learning the bible, and the love of god etc....... i told my husband early, that if we were to ever to marry, or even get too serious, i wanted him to know and understand/agree to this, he agreed, saying i was the mother i can raise them how i want, but not to expect him to say prayers with them or go to church with us, and he just didnt want them to go to a christian school etc......
this was something i was okay with, and it was settled, but since he was an athiest, he didnt have a strong view on how else they should be raised, if yours is of a different religion it might be harder , he might want to raise them to his religion, it is going to be something that you will need to really think about...
There is a book I read, that literally became a life saver for me, it's called "How to be the Happy Wife of an Unsaved Husband" if you were to ever get married, or take things to a higher level, i reccomend you look at this book, it will talk about the majority of issues you will have, and give you advice/encouragement on this...
I'm rambling a bit much here, but just remember to pray about this, and even talk it over with him, find out where you two stand, what you can and cannot accept,
i love my husband very much, and do not regret our marriage one bit, he is very important to me, and though we have our hard times, (More often than not) we love eachother very much...... yet still things get very hard...... he doesnt get along well with my family, as they are all strong religious people, very emotional at that, and so at times i feel like i'm caught between them, i love family and i love my husband, we probably will never have those big family get togethers on my side, so i have to spend time with them individually,
we disagree on alot of other things, on people and society, my husband can hold a grudge, takes things for what they are, always the logical approach, and doesnt understand about compassion,forgiveness too well........
then there are small things, that might seem small but later on i realized how much they meant to me, like listening to christian music, or having a painting of jesus on the wall, or that "Warm cozy christian atmosphere" feeling that seemed to fill my parents house when i lived there, that seemed to be non-existant when we got married and moved into our place.......
but yeah, pray, think, and talk about it, it can work out and you two can have a wonderful life, just be prepared for the things you will have to deal with
2006-09-25 03:50:25
answer #9
answered by kawaiimiyo 2