Yes I hold heartedly believe their should be a test tooo many people marring the wrong people, too many divorces ,too many abandond inocent babies, to many broken lives yes there should be a years lenght test to know each other well in a experimental married enviroment before the actual marriage takes place for real. If your sking on your own behalf please be very chosie on whom yo marry. If not personal advise other woman same.
2006-09-24 18:51:18
answer #1
answered by lytesdelite 5
I would think each person would administer that test for themselves before getting married. Asking such questions is pretty essential to knowing whether you want to spend your entire life with someone.
However, clearly, not everyone takes that much care in choosing a partner. But then, people hardly consider the consequences of having sex, either (i.e. children). I think the better route would be to test people for common sense before letting them make their own decisions.
2006-09-25 01:54:33
answer #2
answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7
Why not just skip that hassle and go straight for state-arranged marriages?
The State would pair people together according to a lifetime of background checks and test scores and legally require them to marry and live together for the rest of their lives.
Divorce would then not be required because the matches would be perfect, and any couple who felt otherwise could just keep their mouths shut or go to jail, just like the homosexuals and athiests and pacifists and other riffraff.
2006-09-25 01:54:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You know I worked at a large airport for years and years..and at checkin I virtually had to ask passengers "are you a terrorist?" you think I ever got a "yes"...same thing..people will lie on tests to get the results they want.
And then the problem arises of who's going to judge the results.
2006-09-25 01:49:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Maybe not required but it would be nice if people voluntarily took classes about marriage and especially parenting several times a year.
2006-09-25 01:54:29
answer #5
answered by Paula P 4
Yes! Yes! Yes!
If you sell your house, you have to disclose every fault. Plumbing, electrical, roof, foundation, etc. People ask about the neighbourhood, the schools, the age of the home and why you are selling.
Same rules should apply to the buyer prior to marriage....Full Disclosure!
2006-09-25 01:53:03
answer #6
answered by ? 5
aren't someones beliefs and core values issues you should learn about while your dating?? people change as time goes on...your a good match when you get married but years later something changes thats why there are so many divorces.
2006-09-25 01:46:02
answer #7
answered by NiK* 2
no...thats whats dating for. why waste money and time like that. values and beliefs change according to certain situations so people deal with them
2006-09-25 01:47:36
answer #8
answered by Candy Mamii 4
yes and before you can have kids
2006-09-25 01:49:03
answer #9
answered by BeachBum 7