Take away all the fun stuff (Computers, electronics, etc) and slowly as he improves in his schoolwork give it back to him. Tough love! It works. He will hate you to begin with, but as time goes by he will begin to understand. You have to know what the interference is first though. It could be girls and in that case you are S O L! Good luck and God bless.
2006-09-24 18:21:32
answer #1
answered by honeybee4u2c 4
There is no technique. My mother spanked me, put me on punishment for what seemed like for ever, and even took stuff away. My mother even sent me to a leadership program at Stanford University, CA for a summer and I enjoyed it. But the truth of the matter was I hated the crowd I was surrounded by in junior high and high school I couldn't connect mostly because many people seemed so fake. And I learned as early as elementary the politics of becoming teachers pet and getting not only less homework, but also how to turn a teacher against another student. (and yes this happens). Going to the leadership program truly made me love college and helped me to understand then what I had to do for myself, but it still did not change my view of grade school at all. So I got a G.E.D. I placed a high score, one that shocked my mother; and now I am in my senior year of college with honors. I now watch my brother go through the same thing I once did. And I always tell him the path he needs to take is going to be hard, but most importantly I tell him that I love him no matter what and I am always there to help when it seems unbearable.
2006-09-24 18:45:48
answer #2
answered by rubix 2
Your dealing with a person's belief system that has changed. They now see no benefit if the belief that education or school really makes a difference in their life. They have put new value in what they are currently thinking about and are focusing on that.
They want to be right. So anything you tell them can't be positional. You have to sell them on the benefit not the process of education. What it really costs an uneducated person. What they will lack as far as dealing with society, people,work etc Advantages of having an edge/education Transform the belief not the believer. Identify pain and pleasure. You must lead by example.
2006-09-24 18:34:46
answer #3
answered by mikey 4
When I was a teen, I found that with some light music playing in the back ground, I could concentrate better, study better, and make better grades.
That also worked with both of my daughters and so far with my grandchildren.
Another thing you could do, make appointments to take the teen to different jobs. Take them to a low paying job that is nasty, like a poultry plant, trash collectors, etc.
Them take them to well paying jobs, lawyers, judges, CEO's of good businesses, etc.
I am sure they would rather have the good jobs so they would also know they have to have good grades in school.
Best of luck. Teens these days have it made already. Cell phones, TV;s in rooms, nice stereos, some even have nice cars.
2006-09-24 18:25:59
answer #4
answered by Mary D 4
Well,there is no specific technique,but 1st need to know how do he or she done their worx?is it in a noisy enviroment?with he or her friends?need to know this 1st as many things dont works and you might fired on me.
2006-09-24 18:20:28
answer #5
answered by Jebatasmara 2
I hate to say it...
Promise something like a new computer or car or other thing you know he/she really wants very badly if they finish the semester or year with an A or whatever you would like them to do.
2006-09-24 18:20:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Wow...that's so easy! Sit with them during their homework. Get involved! Show them that you care....somewhere along the way...the teen probably feels you dont care so why should they? So simple!
2006-09-24 18:29:24
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
My parents never payed one bit of attention to me and I'm an engineer. Leave them the hell alone and let them learn from their screwups. That how I learned.
2006-09-24 18:21:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
no such thing
2006-09-24 18:15:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous