right now the 5 best submission moves are Triple H's version of the Indian deathlock that's Called "GAME OVER" Chris Masters' "Master-Lock, Kurt Angle's Grapevined Ankle-lock called the"ANGLELOCK, John Cena's STFU and C.M. Punk"s Punk-Style Combo, which is a punch-Kick combo into a Modified Rock Bottom into a twister-chokehold known as "The ANACONDA VICE". You are getting you're question answered by a certfied wrestling fanatic. Trust me. As Of Today, No one and I mean NO ONE has kicked out or escaped any of these moves. Look up the books and on any website. Like Benoit said, PROVE ME WRONG!
2006-09-24 18:27:10
answer #1
answered by Shadow 1
I agree with the guy above me. But I'll go with both
Pro Wrestling - The Firgure Four and Sharp Shooter are both actually painful but I gotta go with The Brock Lock.
Mixed Martial Arts - Armbar and Kimura. Any choke doesn't hurt so much as it just makes it where you can't breath.
But in both I gotta say that if you can legitamally get someone in an Ankle Lock, they will be screwed.
2006-09-24 18:18:53
answer #2
answered by average_joe397 4
i think the most painful submission move is the sharpshooter because it puts such pressure on the back.but the crossface,ankle lock and the stf are very painful too.
2006-09-24 20:14:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
STFU- Imagine your head, leg, and arm lock in all at tha same time. Dat sh*t hurts! Dat's why the wrestlers tap out so face.
Crossface- Chris is stretching your arm and shoulder out while he has his wrist covering your mouth and nose, so it's hard ta breath!
Ankle Lock- Need I say more?! The guy has your ankle locked in and twisting all kinds of ways it's not suppose ta go! Oh, and dis hold could easily break your ankle!
2006-09-25 08:46:53
answer #4
answered by angeltori1432 4
the Ankle Lock
2006-09-25 00:10:40
answer #5
answered by Bling Bling 5
Well, I was going to answer this with the names of some actual submission holds from Judo, but then I realized that you are talking about pro wrestling...
2006-09-24 18:07:33
answer #6
answered by Sordenhiemer 7
actually no submission hold is painful unless u fight to break it.Chis Benoit once had said it.I still believe it.Personally i believe the Hitman's Sharpshooter really hurts
2006-09-24 22:09:31
answer #7
answered by robin_hhbk 2
I would say the Achilles Tendon Hold by the Great Muta
2006-09-24 20:39:37
answer #8
answered by wildthang_4u 1
I think CHRIS BENOIT's crossface and UNDERTAKER's triangular choke AND OFCOURSE FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK
2006-09-24 23:52:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I've been through a Sharpshooter/Camel clutch combo and cried. I fell off my 2 story house and ko'd myself with my own knee and laughed. What's that tell you.
2006-09-24 20:02:31
answer #10
answered by Cody G 1