>Feel relieved and proud that you aren't the same.<
2006-09-24 16:34:10
answer #1
answered by Druid 6
People change honey! It's a natural part of growing up and becoming who you are as an adult. If she has changed into someone or something you don't or can't like, then it's time to move on. In every relationship you learn important things, try to think of the important things you learned from her. Remember all the good times you had, and how happy you were, and think how it relates to who you are now. Keep the happiness you shared and be glad you got the time with her you had. You will find new friends that are on the same level that you are and you will create new memories with them too! Good luck :)
If you need to talk you can IM me :)
2006-09-24 16:38:47
answer #2
answered by XxbrooklynnxX 5
For all practical purposes you have temporarily lost the friendship because she is no longer on your wavelength. She will crash and burn and ask you to get her out of her trouble. Do so but only on very strict terms and then verify everything. We all make a big mistake but we learn from it unless what we are really looking for in life is a good time and people to use.
2006-09-24 16:39:57
answer #3
answered by ALWAYS GOTTA KNOW 5
And why wouldn't you want to loose her worthless friendship? She doesn't care about loosing you and she doesn't care about messing up her life. Leave her be or she will start making you feel worthless or she will drag you down with her. You should be the strong one and cut her loose. Keep only the good friend around you and you will have a good life.
2006-09-24 16:34:05
answer #4
answered by lily 6
It's sad to say that some people change. It happened to me many times. I don't know if there is something wrong with me or with her... All I can do is to give her space because I believe that things happen for a reason. I'm okay alone. I mean, I'd rather be alone than to be with someone who uses me.
2006-09-24 16:37:24
answer #5
answered by loreena 2
Leave her alone, if she's acting like that, she was never a good friend from the beginning. If you don't approve of what she's become, that should be enough, for you to stay away from her. She showed you her true colors and they are very ugly.
2006-09-24 16:36:54
answer #6
answered by A_WWE_FAN_4LYFE 6
Friends grow apart but can come back together. I would go about my own business and she or he will see what they are missing ancome back. I have had a friend for over twenty years and we come and go but everytime we appreciate each other more.
2006-09-24 16:55:32
answer #7
answered by blondeclan 2
i think u should be positive thinking about ur friend.
just do the best for ur friend.
u same like me, i ever like this and i try to become good friend and just try to do the best.
although ur friend still angry to u or change the behaviour,,,
so try it and keep go on!!!good luck
2006-09-24 17:08:05
answer #8
answered by douZer 1
she has made a choice .... her decision...... she is accountable for her own actions..... if you have tried to get her to leave the streets alone and she still goes there...... then you have your own decisions and choices to make..... be very careful of your choices tho..... please do not let her drag you into that life..... be there for her if you can..... but if you decide to move on, do not feel quilty of your own life choices...... God bless
2006-09-24 16:34:26
answer #9
answered by Annie 7
Get her and talk softly to her.Give her some advise that you think useful to her.If she doesn`t change herself,let her go.
2006-09-24 16:41:27
answer #10
answered by zul 1