Annwn - The "afterworld" of Welsh mythology
Atlantis - The legendary(and almost archetypal) lost continent; some believe it might only be a small Greek island that was the subject of a volcanic eruption.
Ayotha Amirtha Gangai
Biarmaland - mighty kingdom described in Norse sagas as lying to the north of Russia
El Dorado
Hawaiki - The ancestral island of the Polynesians, particularly the Māori.
Mag Mell or Tir na nÓg
Quivira and Cíbola
Kingdom of the Saguenay
Terra Australis Incognita - or the great unknown southern land that cartographers believed occupied most of the southern hemisphere, before Captain James Cook discovered and circumnavigated Australia and New Zealand and Antarctica.
Thuvaraiyam Pathi
Ys in Brittany, France
Altair IV — From the movie Forbidden Planet, formerly inhabited by the mysteriously extinct race of Krell.
Aurelia and Blue Moon — An attempt at theorising what a habitable planet orbiting a red dwarf star would actually be like.
Azeroth (formerly Kalimdor) – In the Warcraft series, it is the home of humans and the main setting of the Warcraft games.
Ballybran — A planet in Anne McCaffrey's Crystal Singer series. Ballybran is a toxic world where the inhabitants must form a symbiotic relationship with a spore in order to survive.
Belzagor — A planet colonized by Earth, whose natives are the elephant-like nildoror, in Downward to the Earth by Robert Silverberg.
Big Planet – An enormous but not very dense planet, settled by Earth colonists and divided into a large number of colorful social groupings, in the novels Big Planet and Showboat World by Jack Vance.
Botany — An Earth-like agricultual world to which prisoners and slaves are transported in the Catteni Series by Anne McCaffrey.
Bronson Alpha and Bronson Beta – Planets that enter the solar system in Philip Gordon Wylie and Edwin Balmer's novel When Worlds Collide. Bronson Alpha collides with the Earth, destroying it. Bronson Beta is settled by survivors of the catastrophe in the sequel After Worlds Collide.
Camazotz - A planet of extreme, enforced conformity in the Newbery Medal-winning novel A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle, ruled by a disembodied brain called IT.
Chiron - A planet (usually called "Planet") orbiting the star Alpha Centauri in the computer game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.
Chthon — The titular prison planet in Piers Anthony's novel Chthon.
Crematoria — A hell-world with extreme variations in temperature and a flammable atmosphere in the movie The Chronicles of Riddick.
Cyteen — A planet notable for its cloning research, from C. J. Cherryh's Alliance-Union universe novels.
Darkover — Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover series (medieval culture and psi powers)
Darwin IV — Planet in the art of Wayne Douglas Barlowe
Dosadi — The setting for Frank Herbert's novel The Dosadi Experiment.
Downbelow — The planet in C. J. Cherryh's novel Downbelow Station and home of the Hisa.
Draenor – Homeworld of the Orcs in the game Warcraft.
Dragon's Egg — Not, strictly speaking, a planet, but a neutron star on which intelligent life develops in the book of the same name by Robert Forward.
Erna — A seismically active planet with psychically malleable quasi-sentient natural forces called the Fae in Celia S. Friedman's Coldfire trilogy.
Erra – Planet invented by Billy Meier, UFO enthusiast.
Erythro – Barren planet in Isaac Asimov's Nemesis novel.
Eshraval – Earth-like planetary setting for a nation simulation game.
Eternia – He-Man's planet in Masters of the Universe.
Etheria – She-Ra's planet in She-Ra: Princess of Power.
Far Away— A planet in Peter F. Hamilton's Commonwealth Saga which has been sterilized by a solar flare and is characterized by a triangle of stratospheric mountains. The alien known as the Starflyer originated here when a ship called the Marie Celeste crashed on Far Away.
Fhloston – Planet in the movie The Fifth Element.
Finisterre – A hostile planet in C. J. Cherryh's Finisterre universe novels.
Fiorina 'Fury' 161 – Mining station penal colony on which Alien3 is set
Gaia - The first planet of the star Betelgeuse, inhabited by the Syreen people in the Star Control computer game series.
G889 – A planet 22 light-years from Earth in the television series Earth 2.
Gor — An inhabited counter-Earth in John Norman's Gor series, marked by slavery and rigid gender roles.
Gorta – A planet circling Proxima Centauri, home of the hostile alien Furons in the video game Destroy All Humans!.
Helliconia — A planet orbiting a binary star in the trilogy of the same name by Brian Aldiss. On Helliconia, with a 3000-year "Great Year", civilizations rise and fall with the change of seasons.
Hiigara — In the computer game Homeworld, the lost home planet of the Kushan.
Hydros — A water-covered planet, whose population lives only on artificial floating islands, in Robert Silverberg's novel The Face of the Waters.
Ireta — A planet in Anne McCaffrey's Planet Pirates series, inhabited by both people and dinosaurs, and so also called Dinosaur Planet – the name of the novel in which it first appears.
Ishtar — A planet in orbit around three suns, whose northern hemisphere undergoes catastrophic heating every thousand years as it draws near to one of them. From Poul Anderson's novel Fire Time.
Iszm — A planet in Jack Vance's novel The Houses of Iszm, a world on which bioengineering of plants is the dominant technology form (as opposed to mechanical engineering on Earth). Houses on Iszm are trees with room-sized pods; all furnishings are integrated as part of the growth.
Ixchel - A planet of muted colors inhabited by sightless creatures in Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time
Jean – A "colony planet" that is the setting for Mark Stanley's webcomic Freefall.
Jurai — The seat of the powerful Juraian Empire, the homeworld of First Princess Ayeka, and the abode of intelligent trees descended from a goddess in the anime Tenchi Muyo!.
Kharak — Homeworld (desert planet), destroyed by an enemy race after space travel is developed
K-PAX – A utopian planet in the novel and film of the same name, which is quite possibly the delusional invention of a madman who claims to be from the planet.
Krankor – The planet of the supervillain Phantom in the Japanese television series Planet Prince.
Kregen – An earthlike planet orbiting Antares, in Kenneth Bulmer's Dray Prescot series.
La Maetelle — A dying planet whose orbit changes drastically once in a millennium; the home of Queen Promethium and her daughters in the manga and anime of Leiji Matsumoto.
Lagash — A planet in the story Nightfall by Isaac Asimov, in a globular cluster, and in a system with six suns. The orbit of the planet is such that all sides of it are almost always illuminated by at least one sun; only once in every 2,049 years is Lagash oriented in such a way that one of the suns is eclipsed by a dark companion body. Only at such times are the stars visible from Lagash's surface. In the novel developed from the short story, the planet was called Kalgash.
Lamarckia — A planet Greg Bear's novel Legacy, whose continent-sized superorganisms mimic Lamarckian evolution.
Land and Overland – Twin planets revolving about a common center of gravity, sharing a common atmosphere and connected by an hourglass-shaped atmospheric tunnel. The setting for Bob Shaw's The Ragged Astronauts, The Wooden Spaceships and The Fugitive Worlds. Travel between the two planets occurs by hot air balloon.
Lithia – A planet peopled by an alien species with a well-developed natural ethics but no form of religion, in James Blish's novel A Case of Conscience.
Luclin - Moon of Norrath in the EverQuest online RPG universe.
Lumen - the Planet of Light in the British puppet TV series Space Patrol.
LV-426, or Acheron — The planet on which the derelict ship and its deadly cargo are found in the movies Alien and Aliens.
LV-1201 – Planet in the Aliens versus Predator 2 video game.
Majipoor — A large planet which is the setting for a science fantasy series by Robert Silverberg.
Medea — Harlan Ellison's worldbuilding project
Mejare and Tarak — Warring planets in the anime Vandread: Mejare is populated entirely by women, Tarak entirely by men.
Merseia – Planet that becomes the center of an interstellar empire in Poul Anderson's Technic History.
Metaluna — A war-torn planet visited in the '50s B-movie cult classic This Island Earth.
Midkemia – Planet on which the events of the Riftwar books of Raymond E. Feist take place.
Mongo — The planetary setting for the Flash Gordon adventure comic.
Morbus – Planet in Dimension X in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures comics.
Mor-Tax, Morthrai and Qar'To— Planets named in the television series War of the Worlds. Mor-Tax, a planet orbiting a dying star in the Pleiades, is a paradise planet, the homeworld of the aliens invading Earth. Morthrai, first mentioned in the second season, may be another name for Mor-Tax. Qar'To is another planet in the same system as Mor-Tax, inhabited by a different species.
Nacre – A planet populated primarily by fungi, including an intelligent variety; from Piers Anthony's novels Omnivore, Orn and OX.
Nemesis – A planet appearing in the anime Sailor Moon.
New Terra — In the computer game Outpost 2, New Terra is the world chosen by humanity as its last hope for survival, colonized by the last survivors of Earth in starship Conestoga.
Nidor – A well-described planet in stories by Robert Silverberg and Randall Garrett.
Nihil – An additional planet of Earth's solar system; due to a flaw in space, the planet is invisible except at close range, although it can see most of the other planets. The inhabitants attempt to conquer Earth during the 30th century. From the novel Beyond the Spectrum by Martin Thomas.
Nirn – The setting for the computer game The Elder Scrolls.
Norrath – The setting for the EverQuest online RPG.
Oa the Living Planet – A sentient planet in the Amalgam Comics series.
Omega – A prison planet where one the only way to get ahead in society - or survive - is by committing murder and other crimes. From Robert Sheckley's The Status Civilization.
Optera — The homeworld of the Invid in the anime Robotech.
Orthe — A post-holocaust planet that has reverted to a quasi-medieval way of life, in Mary Gentle's Golden Witchbreed and Ancient Light.
Pandarve – A living, sentient planet, considered to be a goddess, in the Storm comic book.
Perdide — A planet that serves for much of the setting of the 1982 French animated science fiction movie Les Maîtres du Temps (Time Masters), by Rene Laloux.
Pern — A planet pelted by a deadly spore (called Thread), capable of eating anything but rock and metal, for periods of fifty years every two to four centuries in Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern novels. The people of Pern live in caves and ride genetically-engineered flying reptiles ("dragons") capable of incinerating the spore in midair.
Petaybee – A living planet, becoming sentient, in Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough's Petaybee Series.
Placet — A planet that revolves in a figure-8 orbit around the twin suns Argyle I and Argyle II, and is subject to several different spatio-temporal anomalies in Fredric Brown's Placet is a Crazy Place.
Prism - A planet in Alan Dean Foster's Humanx Commonwealth populated by crystal-based lifeforms.
Prysmos – A planet orbiting three stars in the cartoon Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light.
Purple – A dull planet described in Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.
Pyrrus — An inhabitable planet whose ecosystem, consisting of psychic plants and animals, seems to be unremittingly hostile to human life. From Harry Harrison's Deathworld trilogy.
Regis III — A planet populated by evolving machines in Stanisław Lem's novel The Invincible.
Reverie – A planet with extreme social division between the haves and have-nots, in Bruce Sterling's The Artificial Kid.
Riverworld — The title planet of Philip José Farmer's Riverworld series, where all humans in history are reincarnated along a spiral river.
Rocheworld — A pair of twin planets that almost touch in the book of that name by Robert Forward.
Rubanis – A megalopolitan planet plagued by constant traffic congestion, appearing in several volumes of the French comic book Valérian: Spatio-Temporal Agent, particularly in The Circles of Power.
Sangre — A planet ruled by a cannibal elite in Norman Spinrad's The Men in the Jungle.
Shikasta — Doris Lessing's Shikasta (cosmic consciousness)
Shora — Joan Slonczewski's A Door into Ocean (waterbound culture)
Smoke Ring — Not a planet, but a habitable gas ring around a neutron star in Larry Niven's novels The Integral Trees and The Smoke Ring.
Solaris – A planet covered by a single sentient organism in the book of that name by Stanisław Lem.
Soror – The "Planet of the Apes," in the book of that name by Pierre Boulle and the related films and television shows.
Tei Tenga – A planet in the computer game Terminal Velocity.
Thalassa — A watery planet colonized by Earth, and revisited by a ship travelling to the planet Sagan 2 in Arthur C. Clarke's novel The Songs of Distant Earth.
Thra – The world of The Dark Crystal.
Thundera – Home planet of the ThunderCats.
Tiamat — An oceanic planet whose sun orbits a black hole, socially divided into two moieties (Summer and Winter), ruled by a queen with abrupt changes in social conditions every 150 years. From Joan D. Vinge’s The Snow Queen.
Tirol — The homeworld of the Robotech Masters in the anime Robotech.
Titan – The setting of the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks; not to be confused with the Saturnian satellite Titan.
Tralfamadore – A planet populated by the phlegmatic Tralfamadorians in the works of Kurt Vonnegut.
Troas - An Earthlike planet featured in the stories "Sucker Bait" by Isaac Asimov and "Question and Answer" by Poul Anderson.
Twinsun — A planet lit by two fixed suns, both fixed relative to it, in the Little Big Adventure computer games. Twinsun has three climates: the poles are hot and desert, the equator is cold and arctic, and between them lie temperate lands.
Uriel - A planet with extremely tall mountains in Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time, named after the Archangel Uriel. It is inhabited by creatures that resemble winged centaurs.
Vekta – Setting of the video game Killzone.
Water-O - The water-covered planet from the cartoon series TigerSharks.
Wormwood – In the role playing game Rifts, a chaotic planet in another plane. Wormwood is alive, and its inhabitants can draw on its life force.
Zahir — A hollow planet appearing in the comic book series Valérian: Spatio-Temporal Agent.
Zeelich – A planet covered by a thick layer of gas clouds above a sea of lava in the computer game Little Big Adventure 2. Vegetation and civilisation occur only on mountains rising above the cloud layer.
Zyrgon – A planet ruled by the galactic "Law-Enforcers" in novels by Robin Klein, adapted as a television series.
Fictional planets in comedy
These planets are not so much carefully constructed worlds as they are humorous backgrounds or gag references in various comedy shows and games:
Htrae — A version of Earth in which everything is backwards, in the scifi television comedy Red Dwarf.
Koozebane — A mysterious planet full of weird aliens, encountered several times in the television puppet comedy The Muppet Show.
Marklar - A planet that appeared in four episodes of South Park, most prominently in Starvin' Marvin in Space, where all nouns are replaced by the word 'Marklar'.
Melmac – The home planet of the alien Gordon Shumway in the television comedy ALF.
Ork — The home planet of the humanoid alien Mork in the television situation comedy Mork & Mindy.
Pop Star – A planet in the Kirby series of video games
Remulak – The home planet of the aliens in the comedy sketches (and movie) The Coneheads.
Rigel 7 — The home planet of drooling aliens Kang and Kodos on the animated comedy The Simpsons.
Rimmerworld — A planet populated by millions of clones of Arnold Rimmer who had spent six hundred years alone on this planet, creating clones of himself in a failed attempt to create a girlfriend. From Red Dwarf.
Shroob planet - The (assumed) homeworld of the alien Shroobs in the video game Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.
X – Planet X was the source of Alludium Phosdex, the shaving cream atom, in the animated short comedy film Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2th Century.
Xenon — The home planet of Roger Wilco, janitor, in the humorous computer game series Space Quest.
Yugopotamia — A comic "opposite" planet mentioned in the animated comedy The Fairly Oddparents.
Parallel Earths
These planets are identical or nearly identical to Earth physically, but have a history that differs to some degree from that of our Earth.
Earth Prime – From the Sliders television program.
Terra Obscura – In the Terra Obscura comic book.
Fictional variants of real planets
Several planets of the solar system have, at various times, been the basis for fictional worlds with characteristics more or less distinct from those of the actual planet, as presently understood.
Barsoom — A heroic fantasy version of Mars created by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Fictional artificial planets
In addition, some writers, scientists and artists have speculated about artificial worlds or planet-equivalents; these planets include:
Dyson sphere by Freeman Dyson
Gaea by John Varley
Globus Cassus by Christian Waldvogel
Hegira — An artificial planet in the novel of the same name by Greg Bear.
Pendor by Elf Sternberg
Ringworld by Larry Niven
Strata, a novel by Terry Pratchett, includes an unnamed artificial flat world.
Well World—Jack L. Chalker's Well of Souls series (surface divided in thousands of different ecosystems, each one with a different sentient race)
Fantastic planets
Some invented planets have physically impossible shapes, and may be regarded as fantasy worlds:
Discworld — A flat, disk-shaped "planet", supported on the backs of giant elephants riding on a turtle, in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series.
World of Tiers — A planet-sized step pyramid with a different environment on each step, in Philip José Farmer's book series of the same name
2006-09-24 22:06:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You mean like... Shangrila, El Dorado, Tir na nog (not sure i spelled that one right ), Avalon, Atlantis, Lemuria, Isle of Demons, Island of Seven Cities, Isle of Once Mil Vigines ( 11000 virgins ), Chemmis, Perdita, Loycha, Hyperborea, The Mountains of the Moon, Agartha, Shambala, Ys.. Ones I listed are all actual mythical places and there are tons more if you went and looked im sure you would find more than you could imagine. Or do you just want ones that I made up?
2016-03-17 09:06:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The Whispering Sea, Demon's Mountain, Sands of Fire, the Torrent Peaks, the Hills of Flaming Ice, the Land of Distant Hopes, the Realm of the Forgotten Ones, Gale Raziya (another name for the infamous angel Metatron), Eradin (another angel name), Erygion (yet another). The Land of the Elders, the Cove of Lost Souls, the Unforgiving Cliff, the Loveless Lands of Ever-despair. Samandiriel, Shen-Savar, Nathariel, Plains of the Treacherous Ones. The Land of Deceptive Fog. The Cave from which None Return. Noware, Land of the Adonai, Land of the Shalnak.
It's pretty easy for me to come up with random but catchy or just weird names like these. (I'm using some of them in a story I'm writing).
2006-09-24 15:26:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous