money might not be able to buy happiness, but it sure would help a lot of problems go away and, therefor, make happiness much easier to find.
2006-09-24 14:58:44
answer #1
answered by Roger 4
I've had it both ways.
I was homeless for 10 years. At 10 years old, my older sister had to teach me to steal from the grocery store, so we (the four of us) wouldn't starve.
I got run over by a tractor trailer, and broke most of the bones in my body, my leg was severed and re-attached. I was told I'd never walk again. I spent 2 years in a wheel chair. Another two between platform crutches (because both my arms were broken, and couldn't hold my weight.)
I was awarded a settlement.
All I could think was "now that I have money, people will treat me well."
They didn't. If they knew about the money, they wanted it. If I didn't give it to them, (even my own sisters) then I was an evil selfish *****. When I did, then I was throwing in their faces.
if you try to be a good person and help those in need, they take advantage of you. people think that they can steal from you, because you must have more where that came from.
I still wake up in a cold sweat, thinking about whether or not I'll have enough food to make it thru tomarrow, (when I have a full pantry with 6 months worth of food in it.) I panic that I'll be evicted. (I own my home outright.)
I worry that my alcoholic father will somehow find out my new name, and where I live, and try to get me again. Money won't make that go away. Money won't cure my social Anxiety disorder, stemming from spending six months in a nursing home in a solo room, away from my family and friends, and the world.
Money won't erase the pain of seeing children cry in fear at the sight of the 72 pins that kept me together while my bones healed.
Neither is better. Just different. You have a different set of worries, but it's no better either way. People always believe the grass is greener on the other side. It's the way we were made.
2006-09-24 23:09:14
answer #2
answered by AmyB 6
Because people with money are generally better off. They might not be any happier with their lives, but they don't have to worry about mundane things such as where the next meal is coming from, how they're going to pay the mortgage and pay for Christmas at the same time.
They may not be happier. Someone who has married for money may feel trapped in a loveless marriage, because leaving would mean giving up the lifesyle. And someone with money may feel trapped in a job they hate because to give the job up may mean giving the lifestyle up, too. Which just goes to prove the saying 'the love of money is the root of all evil'.
But generally, people with money do have an easier life, or at least they should have. Hope this helps, good luck with the essay!
2006-09-25 04:59:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There is a saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence". Basically, you as a person know what your problems are, and what you go through. However, you really have no idea what other people are dealing with. It is a great misconception that people with money are better off. Better off in what way?
Here's a situation: a man has a family that doesn't appreciate the effort he makes to give them a life and home; his wife possibly cheats on him, maybe he cheats on her, maybe one or both are alcoholics or drug addicts or abusive; the children WANT WANT WANT; they all believe that money is the solution to everything. Is this family financially rich or poor? Face it, could be either.
Because we don't really see the full lives of other people, we often think that other people have a better life, because we have so many problems. Guess what. Everyone has problems; it is just that, when you have money, some of those problems are very different and people with no money don't know of them and can't relate to them. But some of those problems are very much the same.
2006-09-24 22:11:21
answer #4
answered by Kazweg 2
This depends on how you define 'better off'. In economic terms it must be true that a person with money is better off than someone without money. In non-economic terms it can be argued that money doesn't buy happiness or love or friendship: that there are many disadvantages to having a large amount of money (e.g. prey for gangsters and crooks) so it can be argued that people who have money are not necessarily 'better off' than those without it. And may be worse off than someone without money. We all know the idealized tale of the poor young couple who marry for love rather than money and are happy. The real world may be somewhat different however. Personally I would say that people with money are usually 'better off'. They tend to live longer, have less stress, are better educated and able to do many things those without money cannot do. One can say, to take the analysis further, that the saying that money can't but you happiness is a device - a myth no less - to make the majority of people feel better about themselves because they don't have and most have no prospects of ever having any significant sums of money.
2006-09-24 22:12:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Because you always have to buy something to make life easier, healthier, more secure, more intelligent; which at the end makes you happy...just like the way they show in commercials to what you see in streets, when you are driving and sweating off in the heat in your hoopty falling apart car, and others zoom by with windows up in their all clean well functioning mercedes...
not saying ppl should think like that, but sometimes you can't help, but too. But no matter how much money you have you will never be satisfied, because there will always be someone better or richer
2006-09-24 22:02:29
answer #6
answered by lachefderouge 3
Well, it is any easy thing to transform oneself from having money to not.
People with money certainly would be able to find out if not having money would improve their happiness.
I have to assume that since people with money set an example of not divesting themselves of it but of trying to amass as much as they can, they have determined that having money makes them better off.
I believe this was tested sometime about when language was developed, and in some cases the money is still in the same families.
2006-09-24 22:35:22
answer #7
answered by Gaspode 7
In this world there are many kids out there starving and dying form some weird disease but they can't do anything 'cause they don't have the money. So they can't really buy any real food, but just enough for them to live and to suffer. Poor people out there get it much harder. What happens when they get a fever? They can't go to a doctor. It's like living in the wild for them.
2006-09-25 05:16:31
answer #8
answered by Qincy 1
Because you can take every single earthly problem you have and you can solve it or at least make it better with money.
1. way of life-no problem, noworrying about bills, or your next meal, or clothes.
2. material items-no problem, buy it
3. charities-no problem, give some
4. being alone-much better being alone in a big beautiful home, than being alone-and broke and homeless
5. health-the more money you have, the more options you have for treatments, surgery, transplants
6. love-see number 4 and keep looking for love, with the many options you have with resources that require money
7. legal-refer to OJ or Michael Jackson's or any other person with money who has gotten in trouble. Then look at people who could not afford such lawyers and you will find them in prison.
2006-09-25 02:26:02
answer #9
answered by AveGirl 5
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. I been poor and now I am well off. Its just another set of problems. A rich person is not the person that has the most . It's the person that needs the least.
2006-09-24 22:06:06
answer #10
answered by us citizen 5
People who have money do not have to worry about things that people who don't have money worry about. Such as
How to pay for replacing the broken stove
How to pay for electicity
How to pay for heat
How to buy clothes that will keep the family warm
How to buy food that will keep a family fed
How to pay for television, if you have one
Oh, rent?
Its not really an assumption that those with more money are "better off". It is true that being alive is much easier with money. Can you survive without money? (without gov, etc)
2006-09-24 22:01:29
answer #11
answered by Anonymous