i belive in the but i think you have the wrong defonition as plotergeist is german mean noisey gost no menton of children
i have experianced many hauntings first hand and the only nosiy ghost i "met " was a 60 yr old who was cross coz some one hhad redone his room
2006-09-24 13:27:31
answer #1
answered by warmup001 2
I definetly believe in ghosts and poltergeists. I think a ghost is a harmless spirt but a poltergeist is something that causes noise, throws things about and can get nasty.
I have seen ghosts in my house its a balck shape that walks about, both my mum and dad have seen this too.
I have heard stories from my nana, aunite, uncles and my parents about ghosts that she had in her house however i also think she may have had a poltergeist as it used to throw plates at people or at the walls and would move my cousins cot from one side of the room to the other.
I totally believe and find it fasinating.
2006-09-24 13:33:31
answer #2
answered by CHIMP 2
Yes..I Believe in Ghosts...I have seen some strange things go on in my Parents house that is not Normal and would rather never see or hear again...
2006-09-24 14:43:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I've had a poltergeist following me around for years, hiding things and flitting about at the edge of my vision. I'm so used to it now, it doesn't bother me. Sometimes, there are two of them.......
2006-09-24 13:26:21
answer #4
answered by fed up with stupid questions 4
I have never seen a ghost,but I do believe in paranormal activity.
2006-09-24 15:33:50
answer #5
answered by Celebrity girl 7
I am kind of unsure about paranormal stuff I would like to believe but I would need to evidence of their existence
2006-09-24 13:24:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Never seen anything, but yes I do believe in them! Maybe thats naive, but I believe that sometimes I sense things, which of course could be nothing! but who knows?
2006-09-24 13:31:10
answer #7
answered by Emma 4
yes you should belive in ghosts because if you don't some dat you could see or hear some thing strange.and NO! I never seen one and never want to see one
2006-09-24 13:31:25
answer #8
answered by jojolizeth 2
i believe more in science than in religion. since those angels are spirits and since spirits do not have corporal mass or any kind of mass they don't exist in our world( in our universe) just in people's minds. and in the bible of course.
2006-09-24 13:30:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I believe in them...I have recorded unrocognisable voices in my Mums house when there's been nobody there.
2006-09-24 13:26:03
answer #10
answered by Lisa 3