I live in Ohio,and in our small town,Halloween is wonderful.People decorate their yards and porches with all sorts of scary,silly stuff.We have Trick or Treat,starting at 5:00p.m.until 6:30 p.m.(those who want to give out candy are asked to turn on their porch-light,or sit outside to hand it out-that's what I do) At 7:00 p. m.,there is a parade through town with the children in costume,the local High School Marching Band,also in costume.The parade ends at the local fire station (the only one in town),where there is a contest for best costumes,followed by free apple cider and doughnuts.It's all very safe,as the local police,firemen and EMTS,patrol the streets and hand out treats from their vehicles.Oh,there are always a few smashed jack-o'-lanterns and corn is thrown on the steps of houses(usually teen-age boys do these things),but to my knowledge,no one has ever been hurt or poisoned or kidnapped.I say let the kids (and grown-ups) have some fun!They're only little for such a short time,and then all you have are the memories,but they are sweet ones.Try it,I think you'll love it!
2006-09-24 14:07:04
answer #1
answered by Dances With Woofs! 7
Sure' I think Halloween is fun for the kids. I spent most my childhood in the USA and I thought it was good clean fun dressing up as my favourite character and collecting candy.
Also I seem to have always gotten costumed kiddies at my door at Halloween time living here in England and Iceland as well.
2006-09-24 13:44:51
answer #2
answered by dottir 2
I love American Halloween it is such a family affair with fun and safe activities. The costumes are so wicked and the trick or treating well organised. We should definitely follow it. Children would enjoy it almost as much as Christmas.
I think it is safe. Halloween is closely montiored to ensure safeness with adults taking child round houses and Halloween parties with also adult supervision. Most of the fireworks displays have permission from the mayor/council.
Long live the season to scare
2006-09-24 13:05:06
answer #3
answered by tjjkara 3
If you want to learn how to stop any kind of violence the you will have to have this system of Bruce Perry, Patriot Self Defense , a course that you only will find it here https://tr.im/BcpwI
Patriot Self Defense will educate you on a highly efficient self-defense program that's been field-tested in houses, at government functions and on a few of the meanest roads in the world against the most questionable, shrewd and harmful criminal.
With Patriot Self Defense you may find out that is much simpler then you definitely expected to protect yourself because you don't have to be an expert or have strength, you just have to understand how to do certain moves, simple actions but deathly.
2016-04-17 14:16:56
answer #4
answered by layla 3
Halloween is an English tradition, knocking on doors begging for money, under the premise of Trick or Treat is not!
2006-09-24 13:07:56
answer #5
answered by tattie_herbert 6
Don't do it! It's a major pain in the *ss!!! I hate Halloween! First, you have to worry about your kid's Halloween costume (must be creative and unique!), you have buy all of that candy (and just hope that it's going to be enough). Of course, there's the pumpkin, which either needs to be carved (what a mess!), or have a picture painted on it with one of those pumpkin painting kits (again, what a mess!). Then on Halloween night, you have to take on one of two duties - both of which suck....either stay home to answer the door every 30 seconds, and hand out candy to ungrateful prepubescent kids, who are too old to be trick-or-treating anyway....or.....take your kid out trick-or treating, reminding him or her to say "thank you" to every person at every single house....finally, after all of that, your kid is jacked up on candy for the next couple of weeks....Sound worth it? I think not!
2006-09-24 15:31:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Halloween is just for the shops to make money . I like bonfire night , and its part of our history. There should be more organised firework displays in England on this night.
2006-09-24 13:15:42
answer #7
answered by Llush 3
Why wouldnt it be safe? the ideas are no creepier than a man dressed in red down your chimney! Or do you mean safe for kids to go out trick or treating...id say younger ones should deffo have an adult unfortunately the streets really arent safe these days. Or do you mean morally safe?! or spitritually?! maybe ghosts will come and get us if we encourage them !!(joke)
personally i think there are enough overblown , over hyped, merchandisable dates already, we dont need to add another one.
2006-09-24 13:03:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You didn't say what YOUR country was...?
Halloween is generally from the Irish who emigrated to America, though there are a lot of Scottish traditions in there, too---basically, the Celts.
2006-09-24 13:07:07
answer #9
answered by papyrusbtl 6
Oh No,,,, Not Safe At All! Didn't you see all those Halloween movies? All the Ghoolies come out to get ya!
2006-09-24 13:01:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous