When I was in college about 30 years ago, I was invited to the home of two professional exorcists that claimed to have been at the Amityville event. Their home's basement was set up like a cross between a cheap fun-house and a museum. They had all sorts of "souvenirs" supposedly from various hauntings. These people were extremely fake and they apparently prayed on the gullible. So I would be surprised if the Amityville Hauntings were real either. Some friends and I traveled to a "haunted" abandoned town along the Appalachian trail that these two professionals told us about. The so-called haunted spot was absolutely normal, except for the abandoned building foundations. We observed none of the things we were told we would find, ie the animals there were normal and thriving, the locals frequented the spot and observed nothing, and scouts were camping there and saw nothing either. Other than a nice place to camp, it was a waste of time.
2006-09-24 10:58:06
answer #1
answered by Clown Knows 7
The murders were real. Although now Butch DeFeo is claiming he did not act alone but was aided in the murders by a few others including his sister Dawn. There is some rather controversial evidence you can look up online to support this .As far as the hauntings go , your guess is as good as anyone elses.What I can tell you though,it's a creepy house in a creepy neighborhood.I wouldn't live there if you paid me. Houses where such violence has taken place usually contain a lot of left over negative energy.I think if anything else it's a very sad house. I do know of people who have seen strange things in the houses' windows at night.And there were some photos floating around on the internet someplace at one time of things that were alledgedly photographed in the house.Don't know if you can still find them.But I do know two photos of paranormal activity witnessed in the house are printed in an old book written by ghost investigator Hans Holzer.The book is entitled "America's Restless Ghosts."
2006-09-25 12:30:47
answer #2
answered by Swan 3
The DeFeo kid did kill his parents and brothers and sisters. There is no doubt about that.
That is creepy enough for me not to want to live there. However both of the Lutzes have died.
I answered a question awhile ago about this. the Lutz's did have kids. Why haven't they spoken out about this. If all the stories were true, I would think that their children would be speaking out about it and as far as I know they never have.
Just knowing that all those people were murdered there, I couldn't live in the house, but to each their own.
I think if it were truly haunted, the children would've come out by now and they haven't as far as I know.
2006-09-25 02:42:37
answer #3
answered by Karen H 5
the killings were real. I did a search about it a while go. the 'boy' is still in jail; he claims that his sister was in on it though. (how did she end up dead though?) Anyway, yeah, it was real and pretty bad. I read that he is even married! Some woman wrote him letters and they fell in love and got married.
The hauntings? I don't know about those. I know that there was a real priest called to bless the house and he DID say that house was pretty 'freaky'!
2006-09-24 18:40:43
answer #4
answered by nici a 2
The murders were real, the hauntings were a scams to cash in on the noteriety of the house.
2006-09-25 00:33:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
your local library has some great stories about that subject. There are no short answers that can really answer your question. So stop being lazy and visit your library......
2006-09-25 10:59:52
answer #6
answered by kilroymaster 7
Yes it's real.
2006-09-24 18:02:39
answer #7
answered by maxie 5
yeh the house is in new york ......i always wanted to go to the house or at least ride past ....
2006-09-24 17:47:17
answer #8
answered by ? 4
young man got drunk and killed his family with a rifle
2006-09-24 17:42:36
answer #9
answered by Bushit 4
Go here for lots of info about it
2006-09-25 11:20:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous