ok, we drive a 4x4 which is not by choice, its a company car, which my husband needs due to driving for work in some very inhospitalable terrain that a Ford Mondeo or similar would be stuck in.
We dont take up any more space than any other car, as we park in between the lines of the parking bay.
If people genuinely need them for the area where they live, I think its ok but its the poeple who live in the suburbs of towns that I just dont understand. Why would you need a 4x4 vehicle when all you do is drive on tarmac to and from work, school and the shops?? Ibet most of these people have never even used the 4 wheel drive option.
At least my hubbys car comes home cacked in mud and sludge where he has actually been using the 4 wheel drive option.
My brother has 4x4, but he lives half way up a mountain in north wales and the roads are toally impassable when it floods or snows. His wife is a district nurse. Without the 4x4, she wouldnt be able to get to the sick people living in the very rural areas she visits.
And my hubby is certainly not arrogant, he never drives up someones ****, or pushes his way into traffic cos hes in a bigger car, he is a considerate driver, I understand what you are saying but dont tar us all with the same brush!
Maybe a higher tax for people who live and work in towns, but its unfair to penalise people who actually use these cars daily for their intended purpose.
2006-09-24 10:51:46
answer #1
answered by lozzielaws 6
NO... there are many smaller 4X4's out there like the Subaru's.
I drive two cars... a Ford F-250 4x4 for work because I'm frequently driving on unprepared sites and roads, but my other car is a 1972 V.W. Rabbit for any other driving.
Arrogance is in the DRIVER, not the car: if you see poor driving, report it. Pressure your municipality to ticket (tax) such drivers. That ticket increases the driver's insurance rates (tax)
You should address the issue of parking spaces to your municipality... SUV's parking in compact spaces or incorrectly SHOULD be ticketed (taxed).
I will agree that I laughed in disgust at all the lil Soccer Mom's driving monster SUV's here in California in the last 5 years or so... talking on their cell phones and not paying attention.
But I filed complaints... and the city put 4 extra traffic officers out 3 days a week for a month, ticketed about 275 drivers... and the problem sure slowed down. The city also started a program to report these problems on the internet.
Large cars DO pay an additional tax... lower gas mileage = higher gasoline bills.
2006-09-24 17:50:45
answer #2
answered by mariner31 7
How about a tax on little cars? They are not nearly as safe, more people get hurt in them, that puts a burden on the health system. You should pay more tax just because of that. You also can't haul as much of the stuff you need so often you may have to make two trips - using more fuel and doubling your chances of being injured in an accident. Better have a tax for that.
How about taxing fat people because they burn more fuel in thier vehicles? OR people who have a bunch of kids - got to run those kids around you know, lots of extra trips. OR people who have elderly relatives that don't/can't drive.
Be careful what you wish for. If you get it, someone will wish for something even more rediculous.
2006-09-24 18:26:11
answer #3
answered by APRock 3
Certainly, but a significantly higher rate, not just a token few pounds. Most drivers of 4x4's do not need to drive these fuel inefficient road hogs, but choose to do so as a mark of prestige - a bit like the way my tomcat feels the need to wee up walls!
2006-09-25 10:25:28
answer #4
answered by intelligent_observer 3
Oh dear ........ we went through all this two days ago. Check back answers.
I live in the Highlands of Scotland and NEED my 4x4 as, without one, in Winter here I would be virtually housebound. One of the respondents mentioned 22 mpg - crikey I get 47.9 mpg diesel so that squashes the argument about gas guzzling.
I am only 5'4" so appreciate the higher driving position as I feel safer as I can see the road ahead better and also being built like a tank, I am much safer than silly little Nissan Micras which would collapse like a house of cards in an accident.
If people are arrogant and rude, it is the people who are at fault not their vehicles. See reason for Pete's sake! It's BMW drivers who need to learn some manners.
Most of your respondents seem to assume that these vehicles are used in towns. If you came up here, you would see that 75% of people drive 4x4s and if you can only afford one vehicle to run, then it has to be a 4x4 even for trips into town. I can get so much in mine, I only go into Inverness to the supermarket and cash'n'carry every 3 weeks or so rather than popping out to local shops in the like of your little Micras etc., using expensive fuel. I drive very price efficiently, only long trips with the vehicle warmed up and therefore not using the extra fuel it takes to warm up a vehicle over and over again.
Basically this anti-4x4 thing is born out of ignorance by city dwellers who pick up on something in the media and then follow it like sheep, anything to inject some interest into their dull, boring, urban lives.
I would never drive anything else and am in the process of purchasing a new Nissan X-Trail to replace my Toyota RAV-4.
Whilst talking about environmental pollution, you could also have a go at people who leave house lights on all the time, TVs on standby all the time, mobile phone chargers on all the time when not in use, washing machines, dishwashers and tumble driers used for just a few items etc. All major contributors to greenhouse gases and what a waste.
2006-09-24 17:42:29
answer #5
answered by Ladyfromdrum 5
You're right. No-one needs a car that size and if they want one then they should pay more, after all, as you say, it takes up more space. In my experience, its mostly moronic middle aged men who drive them to look important or women, who creep along at 20mph because they cant control the thing. Ban them I say!
2006-09-25 05:04:32
answer #6
answered by Catwhiskers 5
Not really - if they are paying for so much more fuel and hence tax. I amn't really a big fan however I think they are a huge waste of resources but some people ie farmers do genuinely need them and I don't see why they should be penalised.
2006-09-24 19:48:42
answer #7
answered by LongJohns 7
Yes as these "cars" use up more of the earths resources and are less green than smaller cars. If I pulled the strings here is how I would make the road tax system.....Small cars up to and including 1400 c.c,s pay no road tax cars between 1400 c.c,s and 2000c.c,s pay a middle rate and any car over 2000 c.c,s pays the highest tax rate for road tax. This would be good incentive for people to drive greener cars and yes not everyone wants to drive a 1.0litre Nissan micra but make the higher tax rate VERY expensive not just a couple of pounds more.
2006-09-24 17:42:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I live in the countryside, I pay the same council charges/rates as "townies" and also the same tax rate as all other citizens, yet my bins are emptied once a fortnight, there are no bus services, I am eight miles from the nearest shop/doctor/taxi service. in winter i take my child to school as the minibus cannot make it to us. I need a 4wd, the fuel prices are also higher here, why would you want me to pay more road tax as well.
2006-09-24 17:41:54
answer #9
answered by questor 3
I drive a 4x4 and am not any of those things you describe. I do not bully any other cars, I take up exactly one space in a parking lot and am not the least bit arrogant in my driving style, I therefore do not see your point of view.
2006-09-24 17:36:21
answer #10
answered by dread pirate lavenderbeard 4