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i have been classified as a threatened abortion by my ob... i know 1 in 4 women experience bleeding while pregnant and half of those bleeders have successful pregnancys, yes i have bleeding i am probably just about 5 weeks from the last time i had intercourse (not LMP) and yes i HAVE seeked medical attention and regularly talk with my ob on whats going on with my bleeding and have an appt on tues to check my blood...

anyways i want to know about personal experiences with other women wo experienced bleeding while pregnant, cuz they have never done a study about correlation between different bleedings and successful pregnacys (for example i mean how long do ppl who miscarry bleed, how many have cramps and etc)

so what i am really asking is for women to share this info for me, explain to me the details of the bleeding and other sypmtoms uve shared with it, was ur pregnancy successful?

2006-09-24 10:20:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

10 answers

My first pregancy I misscarried I bled for 16 days and I knew I would loose it but I am against abortion I think you need to let it be what its gonna be take it easy and dont do anything strenuous. And if it is Gods will and you get to keep this baby after all you go through then be happy and love it no matter what!!! IF HE BRINGS US TO IT, HE WILL GET US THROUGH IT!!! Goodluck

2006-09-24 10:26:36 · answer #1 · answered by bootsy454 1 · 0 0

With my first child I was 18 and bled almost every month. I didn't show until I was about 6 months, and then my bleeding stopped. I went to the doctor and lo and behold I was pregnant. (My periods were never regular to begin with, so I attributed the bleeding to having a period.) When I went to my ob appt, the doctor said that I was a high risk pregnancy because of the bleeding I had experienced and because I was being seen so late. She never did figure out why I was bleeding, but my son was born a perfectly healthy 9lbs 13oz and is now 10 years old.

My second was an almost repeat of the first, he's now 8. My third I miscarried at about 3 weeks. It was like a heavy period and it lasted for 7 days. I immediately got pregnant again and am now expecting my 3rd son in January. I haven't had the "regular" bleeding with this one that I did with the other two. I have however just started spotting last week. Now I'm on bed rest. Yay. I get to hopefully find out next week what's causing it.

Hope some of that helps. Good luck honey.

2006-09-24 10:37:21 · answer #2 · answered by jenpeden 4 · 0 0

My second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. I would have been around 10 weeks and started very light spotting on Thursday night. By Friday morning, it was still very light but getting heavier so I called the doc who ordered an ultrasound.

It turned out I'd had a "missed miscarriage" - the baby had actually died 2 weeks earlier. I also opted not to have a D&C as the doctor who interpretted the u/s said that I was beginning to expel it naturally. The bleeding continued to get heavier and was very strong on Saturday and Sunday with serious cramping on both those days. Then the cramps ended around Sunday afternoon and the bleeding began to taper off. It was basically all over by about Wednesday. So the whole sucky experience took about a week.

And about 3 months later I was pregnant again and that one produced a healthly little boy who's nearly 8 months old now.

Here's wishing everyone else who suffers with a miscarriage the same outcome.

2006-09-24 13:59:14 · answer #3 · answered by sdc_99 5 · 0 0

Well from experience I got hit by a car when Iwas seven years old they told me I was not going tobe able to have children when I did get pregnant with my son I had no problems then when I got pregnant for the second time I was about eight weeks and I did not even know i was pregnant I had a normal period then just one day when I went to use the restroom I mis carried right there since then I had 2more miscarriages afterthat but those was different I bleed at the begining and I never made it up threeweeks with them I finally got pregnant again and I was high risk but unfortunetly I had my daughter. two years after she was born I had a alot of pain in my side and unexpected bleeding when I went to the hospital that's when I found out that I had an etopic pregnancy which is that my baby was in my tubes and if he or she would have gottten any bigger I would have bleed to death so they had to go in take my right tube

2006-09-24 10:36:18 · answer #4 · answered by Juicy 2 · 0 0

Its possible that you have had a miscarriage, but this had not yet been determined so you are still pregnant.
A freind of mine had period type bleeding for five months, she didn't even know she was pregnant. She had just had a miscarriage prior to that was having a what appeared to be a period regular. So she didn't even consider the thought. Then she started to feel movement she had only had one child pior and that was 13 years ago.
Sometimes the bleeding will stop and you will go on and have a normal pregnancy. Try not to worry about it until you see the doctor on tuesday. He will be able to answer all of your questions, in the mean time write down all the question you want to asked, so you don't forget. Beacuse you will not be thinking when you go in on Tuesday, you will be focused on "if you are still pregnant or not. Good luck sweety let us know what happens on Tuesday, my prayers will be with you!

2006-09-24 10:38:40 · answer #5 · answered by pirate 3 · 0 0

I had 3 miscarriages before having my son and I never had cramps with any of them. The first one started as just a couple of drops of light blood (Pink) and nothing for 2-3 more weeks, and then spotted a little heavier. I went to the ER and they told me my cervix was still closed, but when I went for my ultra sound 1 week later there was no heartbeat. My son was born in Aug 2004, and I found out 2 days after Easter this year that I was pregnant again, and I had spotting around 8 weeks, and at 11 weeks. I had all the blood work, ultra sounds, and every thing was fine, but at 21 weeks (Aug, 11th) I started spotting again and had slight pressure and went to the hospital and lost my baby girl due to Incompetent Cervix. My doctor was not sure if the earlier spotting was because of that or not, because I had no more spotting or cramping between 11 and 21 weeks.

2006-09-24 10:28:25 · answer #6 · answered by Ryan's mom 7 · 1 0

When I was 5 weeks pregnant exactly, I started bleeding. At first it was just a light bleeding when I went to the restroom and wiped but as the day went on I started bleeding more and more. A little more than a period. I had really bad cramps and alot of pain in my back. Almost as if I was in early labor. Well I went to the hospital and they told me that I had a miscarriage. I bled for about a week after that and continued to have light cramps. I didn't need to have a D&C because they said it came out natural. Hope this helps and I hope everything works out for you!

2006-09-24 10:25:31 · answer #7 · answered by I smile because of them ♥ 5 · 1 0

From my own experience I was 6 weeks along when I thought I was miscarring my daughter,I bled & cramped for almost a whole week,just like a normal period.They ran hcg quantitive blood test to see if I was having a miscarriage,they did an vaginal u/s,and they did't see why or what I was bleeding from.The baby had a heartbeat,I had no tear from my placenta,nothing was wrong with my cervix,absouletly nothing they can find,after going thru this ordeal they warned me that I still might miscarry her since I was only 6 week along.For almost the entire pregnancy I was in fear that I may lose my baby,I ended up carring her to 41 weeks & she was born a healthy 6lb 10 oz baby!Sometimes these situations happen and for no reason,and sometimes they have a tragic ending.I hope & pray that your lil one beats this ordeal & your able to carry the preganancy to term.Best Wishes to you!

2006-09-24 10:31:08 · answer #8 · answered by ♥~Cathy~♥ 3 · 0 0

I had bleeding twice during my pregnancy due to placenta previa. It's a condition where the placenta attaches to the cervix. Sometimes it moves on its own, but if it doesn't a c-section is required. It can be fatal to both mother and child if the bleeding can't be stopped. I was placed on bed rest and was lucky enough mine moved on it's own. But that was just the beginning. I was in the ER almost once a week. I was admitted to the hospital twice during my pregnancy and on bed rest literally every other week. I had digestive failure, dangerously low fluids, and at 28 weeks weighed less than I did when I found out I was pregnant. I ended up having to be induced because of preeclampsia. I was so swollen I couldn't bend my fingers. During my labor, I had an allergic reaction to the epidural. My heart stopped. After 28 hours of labor, I had an emergency c-section. I coded twice during the procedure and once more after she had been delivered. I spent the first night in intensive care, but my daughter was perfectly healthy. She couldn't have been more healthy. She received perfect scores on both apgar tests. My pregnancy, labor and delivery couldn't have been more of a nightmare, but my daughter was, is and always will be my dreams come true.

2006-09-24 10:49:36 · answer #9 · answered by charlottesparkles 1 · 0 0

hi there, my 2nd,4th,& 6th baby girls were all born fine after i bled with each pregnancy early on ,i had a miscarriage at 7 weeks after my 3rd pregnancy then a miscarriage after my 5th pregnancy, all these were what i knew or thought were females, my successful pregnancies were 1, boy, 2 girl, 3 boy 4 girl, 5 boy ,6 girl, the miscarriage`s were after the last 2 girls, ,,,i heard on the robert winstone documentory that women are more likely to miscarry after haviny a boy.. this has been the case with me,, just because you bleed does not mean you will definatly miscarry ,i don`t think you can prevent it but i think it don`t help if you are emotion or stressed, best to stay calm ,with my miscarriage i felt a sharp pain high up in my abdomen then started to bleed , and with the last miscarriage i just started ot bleed with no or little pain... you must remember that every women and her symptons are different,,good luck,, we will be thinking of you..

2006-09-24 10:48:27 · answer #10 · answered by mam26 3 · 0 0

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