Aphrodite is otiginally the Great Godess in her Nymph aspect, but some of her accessories have to do with the death aspect as well.
The dove is a symbol of love and creation
sparrow - fertility
swan - the swan was the animal that guided souls to the otherworld
apple - the goddess's gift for the hero at initiation
ram? never heard of that one
hare - fertility, also the sacred animal of the moon goddess
mirror - second sight, recognising oneself
gold - not usually connected to her, her metal was usually silver
rose - beauty
myrtle - life after death
2006-09-24 09:59:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well, given that Aphrodite - in your own words "symbolizes love, beauty, pleasure and procreation", it is going to be difficult to have a tattoo symbol that accurately displays the true nature of her being whilst also appearing rather proud and masculine at the same time. My suggestion would be to seek out the ancient Egyptian symbols for inspiration as their artistry, although often containing themes of love, beauty and so on, were never visually expressed in such a way that made them appear overtly feminine.
2016-03-27 07:26:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Aphrodite's chariot is drawn by doves. Apple--she was "the fairest" and Paris chose her and she gave him another man's wife as a reward and that whole Trojan War mess got started. Ram--uh, no clue. Because rams have horns? Because they're horny? She's horny. Hare--fertility. Mirror--beauty. Gold--golden hair. Rose--romance.
And her name means, "foam-born" (aphros=foam.) She was born when Zeus cut off his father Kronos's penis and threw it in the water and the sea foam (some goddess or other, I think) gave birth to Aphrodite. Now, *that's* romantic!
2006-09-24 10:04:28
answer #3
answered by SlowClap 6
The gold might originate from her lover Hephaestus, the smith god who as a child made jewelry for the nymphs so lovely that his mother Hera allowed him into Mount Olympus.
The ram sounds more like a symbol for male fertility and virility because the male rams fight fiercely for both territory and females.
2006-09-25 06:56:32
answer #4
answered by germaine_87313 7
the apple because paris gave the golden apple to her when she promised him that she would give him, helen, the most beautiful human
mirror cos she is the goddess of beauty
i dont know the others
gold may be associated with the apple
2006-09-24 09:07:31
answer #5
answered by carcaterra 3
Godess of the moon and of the hunt. Some make no sense to me.
2006-09-24 09:18:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous