If you go into preterm labor, (very early) they can stop it with certain drugs. Once a woman's water breaks, it's never a good idea to stop labor, because the high risk of infection. Also, I think once you're at a certain point there's no stopping it. I haven't seen the movie, but I am assuming it's fiction.
2006-09-24 08:39:35
answer #1
answered by LucyPooBird 2
Absolutely. Some women need a drug called Pitocin to keep their labor progressing. There are various reasons for as to why labor stops. Once the water breaks the infant needs to be delivered within 24 hours to protect the mother and the baby from infection. A C-section may be needed for a problem called "failure to progress" or if the infant is in distress.
2006-09-24 16:02:15
answer #2
answered by jules8 1
When in labor a woman can start to dilate then stop. Usually depending on the mother and babies health. A decesion can be made to enduce to assist in moving things along. Now I have seen this movie and I have never heard or seen that type of delay when dilated! Usually if labor stops, its not labor. It's called braxton hicks. Your bodies way of saying not for real, gotcha! Back to waiting you go or c section may be required. Have seen the movie being pregnant myself makes me wonder if my child is checking me out. LOL
2006-09-24 16:02:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes.. in which case you will need a c-section. It happened to my neighbor.. as she started pushing, her labor stopped (because she pushed when she wasn't supposed to and it caused her cervix to begin closing) and her son was stuck in the birth canal for 20 minutes. He is now 14 and handicap since birth due to lack of oxygen for those 20 minutes.
2006-09-24 15:49:18
answer #4
answered by Ashley P 6
what happend with me was the contractions actually slowwed down then stopped at the very last part of labor! i had to do what was called dry pushing! basically pushing with no help form inside! baby's heart slowed down a bit and they did an episiotomy, vaginal cut and baby was born ! wow!!!
it isnt as painfull as it seems...you must just work alot harder than with normal contractions.
2006-09-24 15:40:54
answer #5
answered by nomadneesa 2
are you asking if you CAN stop it? or if it can stop on its own? yes it can stop on its own, or at least slow down and drag on for days, this is the reason my first child was a c-section.. but could a doctor stop it? doubtful and probably dangerous.. once you are dilated to a certain point theres no stopping it.
2006-09-24 15:39:43
answer #6
answered by Mina222 5
The contractions can start off really regularly then die off again but full blown dilated labour is non-stop. There is no way it can be stopped.
2006-09-24 15:37:50
answer #7
answered by MISS B.ITCH 5
sure, they have medication that can try to prevent the body from going into labor. once it has started
2006-09-24 15:53:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
if labor stops then it was probably alse labor...
if it's real labor and the baby is ready to come out then something is stopping it.
2006-09-24 15:40:04
answer #9
answered by JD 3
yes it is true thats one of the reasons the started doing c-sections!!!
2006-09-24 15:37:54
answer #10
answered by daleygirl23 1